
"testing method" in Spanish

"testing method" in English

Context examples for "testing method" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are currently testing this new method of working in a pilot phase.
Actualmente estamos probando este nuevo método de trabajo en fase experimental.
However, the Commission can accept that when available a more reliable standardised testing method could be introduced.
Sin embargo, la Comisión aceptaría que, cuando esté disponible, se introduzca un método de análisis estandarizado y más fiable.
Nor is the Commission able to accept amendments that would introduce a second testing method to show compliance with the provisions.
La Comisión tampoco puede aceptar las enmiendas que introducirían un segundo método de análisis para comprobar si se cumplen las normas.
UVA radiation results in skin ageing and interferes with the immune system and there is now a UVA logo to indicate the required UVA protection, based on a standardised testing method.
Los rayos UVA provocan el envejecimiento de la piel y afectan al sistema inmunitario.
To do that we need very clear and detailed rules, but there must be a level playing field across Europe, and in this case that means a harmonised and more effective method of testing.
Para hacer eso necesitamos normas muy claras y detalladas, pero debe haber una igualdad de condiciones en toda Europa, y en este caso eso significa un método de prueba armonizado y más eficaz.