
"tentadora" in English

tentadora{adjective feminine}
Es una idea tentadora, pero representa una bomba de relojería legal en muchos países.
It is a tempting idea, but it is a legal minefield in a number of countries.
La idea de tomar represalias a través de aranceles es, sin duda, tentadora.
It is indeed tempting to think of taking retaliatory action through tariffs.
la idea de especular sobre lo que podría haber pasado es tentadora
it is tempting to speculate on what might have happened
El tentador vino a él provocándole: “Si eres Hijo de Dios, di que estas piedras se conviertan en pan” (Mateo 4:3).
The tempter came to him with the provocation, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread” (Matthew 4:3).
el Tentador
the Tempter
tentador{adjective masculine}
(EN) Presidente, es realmente tentador entrar en este debate.
Mr President, it would be indeed tempting to enter into this debate.
Resulta tentador decir que no tienen problemas comunes, pero yo creo que sí los tienen.
It would be tempting to say that they do not have common problems but I believe they do.
Presidente, es realmente tentador entrar en este debate.
Mr President, it would be indeed tempting to enter into this debate.
appealing{adj.} [idiom] (attractive)
attractive{adj.} (advantageous, interesting)
He de admitir que la propuesta de suprimir estas disposiciones es tentadora.
I must confess that the proposal to allow these provisions to be omitted is an attractive one.
Los socialistas tememos que, con esas tentadoras palabras, usted pretende hacer algo sumamente diferente, a saber, llevar a Europa hacia el campo conservador.
We Socialists fear that, with those enticing words, you intend to do something quite different in fact, namely to press Europe into the conservative corner.
seductive{adj.} (offer)
tantalizing{adj.} (smell, sight)
tantalizing{adj.} (offer)

Context examples for "tentadora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La idea de tomar represalias a través de aranceles es, sin duda, tentadora.
It is indeed tempting to think of taking retaliatory action through tariffs.
Es una idea tentadora, pero representa una bomba de relojería legal en muchos países.
It is a tempting idea, but it is a legal minefield in a number of countries.
la idea de especular sobre lo que podría haber pasado es tentadora
it is tempting to speculate on what might have happened
Por muy tentadora que sea la construcción de una Europa sin Francia, indudablemente es mejor tratar de incorporar primero a Francia.
Tempting as it is to build Europe without France, it would surely be better to try to bring France on board first.
La pregunta es tentadora: ¿a qué está esperando Europa para abrir el debate -me refiero a un debate serio y desapasionado- sobre la energía nuclear?
It is tempting to ask: what is Europe actually waiting for before properly opening up the debate on nuclear power, by which I mean serious, dispassionate debate?
La comparación entre un líquido lavavajillas, que es un detergente, y un champú químicamente similar, resulta tentadora, pero se trata de un caso excepcional.
The comparison between a washing-up liquid, which is a detergent, and a chemically similar shampoo, a cosmetic, is a tempting one to make, but it is an exceptional case.
Con la adhesión a la Unión como una meta tentadora y un duro esfuerzo por su parte, las antiguas dictaduras comunistas se han convertido en democracias y economías de mercado plenamente operativas.
With EU membership as a tempting goal, and hard work on their part, the former communist dictatorships have now become fully functioning democracies and market economies.