
"surmounting" in Spanish

"surmounting" in Spanish
superación{f} (de problema)
Stabilisation in the sector will be possible only once bank lending has normalised, and this in turn is linked with surmounting the financial crisis.
La estabilización del sector sólo será posible una vez que el préstamo bancario se haya normalizado, y esto, a su vez, está ligado con la superación de la crisis financiera.
We need to ask those whose referendums are responsible for throwing out this Constitution what they are actually proposing, how we can surmount this obstacle.
Necesitamos pedir a aquellos países cuyos referendos son responsables de tirar esta Constitución qué es lo que proponen y cómo podemos remontar este obstáculo.
trasponer{v.t.} [poet.] (obstáculo)
to surmount{transitive verb}
The other hurdle that you must surmount is the paucity of public preparedness.
El otro obstáculo que tendrá usted que superar es la escasez de la preparación pública.
We really have gone from one obstacle to another, but we have been able to surmount them all.
Realmente hemos ido de obstáculo en obstáculo, pero hemos sido capaces de superar todos ellos.
We see this as the key to surmounting the fragmentation of the European market.
Creemos que esto es fundamental para superar la fragmentación del mercado europeo.
Of course, we all had to surmount those problems rather than persist with reservations which would have worked against the solutions put forward today by Mrs Fontaine.
Tuvimos que vencer entre todos estos problemas y no insistir en reservas que no facilitarían las soluciones que hoy nos propone la Sra.
rematar{vb} [archit.]
coronar{vb} [archit.]

Context examples for "surmounting" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We see this as the key to surmounting the fragmentation of the European market.
Aunque buena parte del programa es como dar pescado al hambriento, la digitalización sería como enseñarle a pescar.