
"suicidio asistido" in English

"suicidio asistido" in English
Al mismo tiempo, en los Países Bajos, donde se ha legalizado la eutanasia, se dice que el suicidio asistido y la eutanasia voluntaria son responsables de una de cada 40 muertes.
At the same time, in the Netherlands, where euthanasia has been legalised, it is reported that assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia are now responsible for one in 40 deaths.
Los principios éticos, como la inseminación artificial, el análisis del ADN o el suicidio asistido, que los Estados miembros respetan por buenas razones, no deben ponerse en tela de juicio.
Ethical standards, which the Member States comply with for good reason, such as, for example, in artificial insemination, DNA analysis or assisted suicide, must not be called into question.

Context examples for "suicidio asistido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Al mismo tiempo, en los Países Bajos, donde se ha legalizado la eutanasia, se dice que el suicidio asistido y la eutanasia voluntaria son responsables de una de cada 40 muertes.
At the same time, in the Netherlands, where euthanasia has been legalised, it is reported that assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia are now responsible for one in 40 deaths.
Los principios éticos, como la inseminación artificial, el análisis del ADN o el suicidio asistido, que los Estados miembros respetan por buenas razones, no deben ponerse en tela de juicio.
Ethical standards, which the Member States comply with for good reason, such as, for example, in artificial insemination, DNA analysis or assisted suicide, must not be called into question.