
"sudamericano" in English

"sudamericano" in English
sudamericano{adjective masculine}
dago{noun} [Brit.] [slg.] (South American)
South American{noun} (demonym)
– Señor Presidente, Italia no es Qatar y tampoco es una república sudamericana.
– MrPresident, Italy is not Qatar and nor is it a South American republic.
Del 20 al 24 de enero 2010, en Santiago de Chile se celebrará el Tercero Encuentro Sudamericano de JuFra.
The third South American YouFra Meeting will be celebrated in Santiago, Chile between January 20th and 24th, 2010.
Todo aquello que facilite las relaciones entre este importante país sudamericano y Europa debería ser ampliamente respaldado.
Anything that facilitates relations between this major South American country and Europe should be broadly welcomed.
sudamericano{adjective masculine}
Todo aquello que facilite las relaciones entre este importante país sudamericano y Europa debería ser ampliamente respaldado.
Anything that facilitates relations between this major South American country and Europe should be broadly welcomed.
Del 20 al 24 de enero 2010, en Santiago de Chile se celebrará el Tercero Encuentro Sudamericano de JuFra.
The third South American YouFra Meeting will be celebrated in Santiago, Chile between January 20th and 24th, 2010.
– Señor Presidente, Italia no es Qatar y tampoco es una república sudamericana.
– MrPresident, Italy is not Qatar and nor is it a South American republic.

Context examples for "sudamericano" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Del 20 al 24 de enero 2010, en Santiago de Chile se celebrará el Tercero Encuentro Sudamericano de JuFra.
The third South American YouFra Meeting will be celebrated in Santiago, Chile between January 20th and 24th, 2010.
Todo aquello que facilite las relaciones entre este importante país sudamericano y Europa debería ser ampliamente respaldado.
Anything that facilitates relations between this major South American country and Europe should be broadly welcomed.
En este caso, nos encontramos en una situación un poco especial, puesto que se trata de lazos históricos entre los Estados Unidos y el continente sudamericano.
But in that case we are in a rather peculiar situation given the historical links between the United Sates and the continent of South America.
Por tanto, debemos trabajar en soluciones que puedan ser aceptadas por países emergentes que crecen con gran rapidez como China, la India y el continente sudamericano.
We should therefore work towards solutions that rapidly emerging countries such as China, India and the South American continent can go along with.
Eran un africano, un asiático, un sudamericano y un bahameño, es decir, los habitantes de los países en desarrollo que son objeto de este informe.
They were an African, an Asian, a South American and a man from the Bahamas: in other words, they were the inhabitants of the developing countries covered by this report.
Con alegría se ha acogido el anuncio que el próximo IV Encuentro Sudamericano de la Juventud Franciscana tendrá lugar en Colombia y se realizará en el mes de enero de 2012.
We welcome the announcement with joy that the IV South American gathering of Franciscan Youth will take place in Colombia and will be realized in January of 2012.
Durante el fin de semana he celebrado un simposio con organizaciones no gubernamentales, con representantes campesinos de Honduras, con representantes de trabajadores del espacio sudamericano.
At the weekend, I attended a symposium with non-governmental organisations, with farmers' representatives from Honduras and employees' representatives from South America.
Durante el fin de semana he celebrado un simposio con organizaciones no gubernamentales, con representantes campesinos de Honduras, con representantes de trabajadores del espacio sudamericano.
At the weekend, I attended a symposium with non-governmental organisations, with farmers ' representatives from Honduras and employees ' representatives from South America.