
"with difficulty" in Spanish

"with difficulty" in Spanish
apuradamente{adv.} (con dificultad)
they won with difficulty
ganaron apuradamente
costosamente{adv.} (difícilmente)
the peace won with such difficulty is in jeopardy
peligra una paz tan costosamente ganada
Individual liberties won with great difficulty over hundreds of years have met their death on the beach at Guantanamo Bay.
Las libertades individuales penosamente conquistadas durante siglos han ido a morir a la playa de Guantánamo.
Today this small mountain race is making its way with difficulty and must not be made subject to European standards.
Hoy este pequeño pueblo de montaña está recorriendo penosamente su camino y no le podemos aplicar criterios de medida europeos.

Similar translations for "with difficulty" in Spanish
Context examples for "with difficulty" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The difficulty to which the rapporteur referred so diplomatically is a real one.
Lo que con palabras prudentes ha sugerido el ponente constituye un problema claro.
I can imagine that Ireland or Greece will find themselves in huge difficulty here.
Me puedo imaginar que Irlanda o Grecia tendrán enormes dificultades para hacerlo.
The compromise accepted with great difficulty was only that of 'to take note'.
El compromiso, que se aceptó con gran dificultad, fue solo el de "tomar nota".
The difficulty is not quite as Mr Simitis described it. It is far more complex.
El problema no es tan simple como cree el Sr. Simitis, es mucho más complejo.
I recognise the difficulty you are in, but I would suggest that he is right.
Admito que se encuentra en una situación complicada, pero creo que tiene razón.
Therefore, I have no difficulty at all with what has been said by Mrs Pollack.
Por consiguiente, no tengo la menor dificultad con lo que ha dicho la Sra. Pollack.
I find myself with some difficulty in supporting this proposal as it stands.
. (EN) Me resulta un poco difícil apoyar esta propuesta tal y como está planteada.
The issue surrounding Galileo springs to mind, which has caused great difficulty.
Quiero citar como ejemplo el asunto Galileo que plantea grandes problemas.
We have had great difficulty bringing this directive to a successful conclusion.
Hemos tenido grandes dificultades para lograr que esta Directiva llegara a buen puerto.
It could be a combination of all these things - and this is the difficulty.
Podría ser una combinación de todas estas cosas - y ahí reside la dificultad.
I believe that at times, we have to be pragmatic in order to overcome the difficulty.
Creo que, a veces, tenemos que ser pragmáticos para superar las dificultades.
Therefore, I have no difficulty at all with what has been said by Mrs Pollack.
Por consiguiente, no tengo la menor dificultad con lo que ha dicho la Sra.
My difficulty, as you know, is that I have not yet learned how to time travel.
Como saben, mi dificultad radica en que todavía no he aprendido a viajar en el tiempo.
Another difficulty, which is no less important, was the lack of a legal structure.
Otra dificultad, no menos importante, hasta ahora, era la falta de estructura jurídica.
Its significance was due to the increased difficulty of rigging the results.
Su importancia se debía a la creciente dificultad de amañar los resultados.
The only difficulty is that Europe is not always heard that is the problem.
La única dificultad es que aún no se la oye, ésa es la verdadera dificultad.
I have no great difficulty in principle with what Mrs Oomen-Ruijten says.
En principio, lo que la Sra. Oomen-Ruijten plantea no me parece demasiado difícil.
I find myself with some difficulty in supporting this proposal as it stands.
Me resulta un poco difícil apoyar esta propuesta tal y como está planteada.
These exchanges only lead to improvement in cooperation with great difficulty.
Estos intercambios solamente logran progresos en la colaboración con grandes esfuerzos.
Without much difficulty we were offered two examples: New Zealand and Ireland.
Por una consideración muy simple, hemos escogido dos ejemplos: Nueva Zelanda e Irlanda.