
"penosamente" in English

"penosamente" in English
penosa{adjective feminine}
A pesar de las sanciones vigentes, el ritmo y el alcance de las reformas democráticas del país es excesivamente lento y penosamente limitado.
Despite existing sanctions, the rate and extent of democratic reforms in the country is exceedingly low and distressingly limited.
Las libertades individuales penosamente conquistadas durante siglos han ido a morir a la playa de Guantánamo.
Individual liberties won with great difficulty over hundreds of years have met their death on the beach at Guantanamo Bay.
Hoy este pequeño pueblo de montaña está recorriendo penosamente su camino y no le podemos aplicar criterios de medida europeos.
Today this small mountain race is making its way with difficulty and must not be made subject to European standards.
penosa{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "penosamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Fondo Mundial para la Salud carece penosamente de recursos financieros.
The World Health Fund is sorely lacking in financial resources.
Ha sufrido penosamente durante todo ese tiempo los innumerables actos ruines y perversos de los terroristas.
They have suffered grievously over that time from countless evil and wicked acts by terrorists.
– Señor Presidente, alguien falta penosamente esta noche en la Cámara, aunque estaba aquí esta tarde.
Mr President, someone is cruelly missing from this Chamber this evening, although he was here this afternoon.
Vivo en una región que ha trabajado penosamente y ha sufrido por esa democracia que nos ha abierto las puertas del Parlamento Europeo.
– The Socialist Party of Hungary, a new member country, sent me to the European Parliament.
Las libertades individuales penosamente conquistadas durante siglos han ido a morir a la playa de Guantánamo.
Individual liberties won with great difficulty over hundreds of years have met their death on the beach at Guantanamo Bay.
marchaba penosamente con su pesada mochila
she trudged along with her heavy pack
Hoy este pequeño pueblo de montaña está recorriendo penosamente su camino y no le podemos aplicar criterios de medida europeos.
Today this small mountain race is making its way with difficulty and must not be made subject to European standards.
Las libertades individuales penosamente conquistadas durante siglos han ido a morir a la playa de Guantánamo.
In this American concentration camp on Cuban territory, international law and American law have been outlawed to almost universal indifference.
subió penosamente la cuesta
he struggled up the hill
Vivo en una región que ha trabajado penosamente y ha sufrido por esa democracia que nos ha abierto las puertas del Parlamento Europeo.
I live in a region that has toiled and suffered for that democracy which has opened the gates of the European Parliament in front of us.
subir penosamente una cuesta
to toil up a hill
¡[entonces,] Oh hombre –tú [que] ciertamente has estado afanándote en pos de tu Sustentador penosamente-- entonces Le encontrarás!
O man!
No pone en igualdad de condiciones a los dos bandos y prevé períodos de transición penosamente largos para transponer el acervo comunitario.
It does not put both sides on an equal footing and it makes provision for painfully long transitional periods for transposing the acquis communautaire.
Si Suecia va a pertenecer al círculo interno de la UE, no podemos limitarnos a marchar penosamente detrás de los críticos de la EU procedentes de Hungría, la República Checa y el Reino Unido.
If Sweden is to belong to the EU's inner circle, we cannot simply trudge along behind EU critics from Hungary, the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom.