
"uncivilised" in Spanish

"uncivilised" in Spanish
civilizado{adj. m}
Until this happens, Iran will stay on the margins of the civilised world.
Hasta entonces, Irán seguirá estando al margen del mundo civilizado.
But at least we managed to conduct the discussions in a very civilised manner.
Pero, al menos, conseguimos conducir el debate de un modo muy civilizado.
The cull is cruel and it is not worthy of a civilised country.
El sacrificio es cruel e impropio de un país civilizado.
civilizada{adj. f}
The European Union is the first experience of civilised globalisation in history.
La Unión Europea es la primera experiencia histórica de globalización civilizada.
Human trafficking is a reprehensible phenomenon in today's civilised society.
La trata de seres humanos es un fenómeno reprensible en la sociedad civilizada actual.
This is not a proportionate response of a civilised power.
Esto no es una respuesta proporcionada de una potencia civilizada.

Synonyms (English) for "civilised":
Context examples for "uncivilised" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
'Civilized' Europe is prepared to teach democracy and the free market to its 'uncivilised' neighbours.
La Europa «civilizada» está preparada para enseñar democracia y mercado libre a sus vecinos «incivilizados».
In my opinion, whatever crime a person may have committed, it is uncivilised to sentence them to flogging.
Creo que imponer latigazos a un condenado, sea cual sea el delito que haya cometido, es una pena brutal.
'Civilized ' Europe is prepared to teach democracy and the free market to its 'uncivilised ' neighbours.
La Europa« civilizada» está preparada para enseñar democracia y mercado libre a sus vecinos« incivilizados».
Most people think it is uncivilised to drive animals hundreds or even thousands of kilometres across Europe and the world for slaughter.
A fin de cuentas es mucho más fácil suministrar carne congelada a las zonas remotas.
Carrying out the death penalty by stoning is uncivilised, inhumane, and completely unacceptable to any democracy.
La pena de muerte por lapidación es una práctica primitiva, inhumana y completamente inaceptable para cualquier democracia.
Most people think it is uncivilised to drive animals hundreds or even thousands of kilometres across Europe and the world for slaughter.
La mayoría de la gente cree que es incivilizado transportar a animales a cientos o incluso miles de kilómetros a través de Europa y del mundo para sacrificarlos.