
"susceptibility" in Spanish

"susceptibility" in Spanish
Transparency is essential in order to determine the European banks' susceptibility to crisis.
La transparencia es indispensable para determinar susceptibilidad de los bancos europeos a las crisis.
We need to check the susceptibility to fraud in advance.
Necesitamos ya de entrada un estudio de susceptibilidad de fraude.
We must know our society's perception of health, its susceptibility to different illnesses.
Tenemos que saber la percepción que tiene nuestra sociedad de la salud, así como su susceptibilidad ante las diferentes enfermedades.
susceptibility to sth
vulnerabilidad frente a algo
However, as has been said, it is under a great threat, ostensibly because the Chinese want to redevelop the city because of its susceptibility to earthquakes.
Sin embargo, como se ha dicho, está sometida a una gran amenaza, al parecer porque los chinos quieren reurbanizar la ciudad debido a su vulnerabilidad sísmica.
Giving birth to many children at short intervals destroys women's reproductive health, causing severe anaemia and increasing their susceptibility to infectious diseases.
Dar a luz a tantos niños en intervalos cortos de tiempo destroza la salud reproductiva de las mujeres, causándoles anemias graves y aumentando su vulnerabilidad a las enfermedades infecciosas.
susceptibility to sth
propensión a algo

Synonyms (English) for "susceptibility":
Context examples for "susceptibility" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There was a possible adverse effect of increasing susceptibility to infection with more pathogenic organisms.
Se necesita investigación que aborde esta cuestión.
antimicrobial susceptibility test
prueba de la sensibilidad antimicrobiana
susceptibility to sth
vulnerabilidad frente a algo
susceptibility to sth
propensión a algo
The problems of the Common Agricultural Policy, with all its weaknesses and susceptibility to improprieties of all kinds, are highlighted once again.
Se hacen de nuevo evidentes los problemas de la política agrícola común, con sus deficiencias e irregularidades, que las hay de todo tipo.
Children have their own specific characteristics, completely different metabolism, and different susceptibility to medicines, as Dr Belohorská said just before me.
La injustificada e inmediata extensión del monopolio del mercado de los fármacos produce grandes beneficios e impone nuevas e innecesarias cargas a los recursos sanitarios.
Children have their own specific characteristics, completely different metabolism, and different susceptibility to medicines, as Dr Belohorská said just before me.
Los niños tienen sus propias características específicas, un metabolismo completamente diferente y una sensibilidad distinta a los medicamentos, como acaba de decir la doctora Belohorská.