
"stuffed" in Spanish

relleno{adj. m}
capon stuffed with walnuts
capón relleno con nueces
she stuffed it with feathers
lo rellenó de plumas
he stuffed it with rice
lo rellenó de arroz
pipón{adj.} [SAm.] [coll.]
the museum is full of stuffed birds
el museo está lleno de pájaros disecados
I'm stuffed
estoy lleno
tieso{adv.} [SAm.] [coll.] (lleno)
to stuff{verb}
"You don't have to schlep stuff around or worry about something you jotted down on a piece of paper anymore."
"No tienes que embalar ni preocuparte de algo que te hayas dejado anotado en un trozo de papel".
to stuff the chicken with the chestnuts
rellenar el pollo con las castañas
Many of their management funds irresponsibly stuffed themselves with derivative products.
Muchos de sus fondos de gestión se rellenaron de forma irresponsable con productos derivados.
It is a guarantee against what we call in English 'stuffing' .
Es una garantía contra lo que en inglés llamamos «stuffing» (»relleno»).
apañuscar{v.t.} [Col.] [coll.] (ropa, papeles)
atapuzar{v.t.} [Ven.] [coll.]
to stuff{transitive verb}
to stuff sth with sth
embutir algo de algo
clear away all that stuff, I'm going to set the table
recoge todos esos cachivaches que voy a poner la mesa
I make the point because this document was stuffed into my hands coming in the door.
Lo pregunto porque al entrar me pusieron este papel en las manos.
Put the stuffing into a sac à poche and keep to one side.
Poner el relleno en una manga pastelera y reservar.

Context examples for "stuffed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Tonnes of antibiotics are literally stuffed into animals.
A los animales se les suministran literalmente toneladas de antibióticos.
I have read few reports - even from the Commission - that have been stuffed so full of three and four-letter acronyms.
He leído pocos informes -incluso de la Comisión- que estuvieran tan plagados de acrónimos de tres o cuatro letras.
the museum is full of stuffed birds
el museo está lleno de pájaros disecados
he's stuffed her head full of nonsense
le ha llenado la cabeza de tonterías
he has stuffed himself full of marzipan
se ha empalagado con los mazapanes
he stuffed my pockets with almonds
me atiborró los bolsillos de almendras
we stuffed our pockets with apples
nos llenamos los bolsillos de manzanas
we stuffed ourselves with sardines
nos dimos un hartazgo de sardinas
rolled and stuffed roast beef
redondo de carne de vaca asada rellena
she stuffed the books into the bag
metió los libros en la bolsa
he stuffed himself with paella
se dio un atracón de paella
olives stuffed with anchovies
aceitunas rellenas de anchoa
Oddly enough I have not received many e-mails, so my machine has not been stuffed full of e-mails from Doctor Rath or anybody else.
Curiosamente, no he recibido mucho correo electrónico, por lo que mi ordenador no se ha llenado de mensajes del Dr. Rath ni de nadie.
she stuffed herself with fruit
se dio un hartón de fruta
tomatoes stuffed with tuna fish
tomates rellenos de atún
capon stuffed with walnuts
capón relleno con nueces
she stuffed it with feathers
lo rellenó de plumas
she stuffed us with food
nos atiborraba de comida
I stuffed myself with oysters
me hinché a ostras
my nose is all stuffed up
tengo la nariz tapada