
"spitting" in Spanish

chisporroteo{m} (del aceite)
chisporroteo{m} (de la carne)
It is either movement, mobility, or suffocation among iron monsters, spitting out pollutants.
O es el movimiento, la movilidad, o es asfixiarse entre monstruos de hierro, escupiendo contaminantes.
That is like spitting in Parliament's face and we cannot respond by saying 'Yes, sir, great pleasure'.
Eso es como escupir en la cara del Parlamento, y no podemos responder diciendo "Sí, señor, un placer".
The movement of this dangerous cargo at this time is spitting in the face of the victims of September 11.
Permitir el movimiento de ese cargamento peligroso en estos momentos es escupir en la cara de las víctimas del 11 de septiembre.
In a residential home in the Netherlands, five elderly people with dementia were hit, spat at, kicked and called names by three nurses.
En una residencia de los Países Bajos, tres enfermeras golpearon, escupieron, dieron patadas e insultaron a cinco personas mayores con demencia.
chispear[chispeando · chispeado] {vb} [coll.] (lloviznar)
salivar[salivando · salivado] {v.i.} [LAm.] [form.] (escupir)
That is like spitting in Parliament's face and we cannot respond by saying 'Yes, sir, great pleasure'.
Eso es como escupir en la cara del Parlamento, y no podemos responder diciendo "Sí, señor, un placer".
The movement of this dangerous cargo at this time is spitting in the face of the victims of September 11.
Permitir el movimiento de ese cargamento peligroso en estos momentos es escupir en la cara de las víctimas del 11 de septiembre.
In a residential home in the Netherlands, five elderly people with dementia were hit, spat at, kicked and called names by three nurses.
En una residencia de los Países Bajos, tres enfermeras golpearon, escupieron, dieron patadas e insultaron a cinco personas mayores con demencia.
spit(also: roaster)
asador{m} [gastro.]
asadero{m} [gastro.] [oldfsh.] (asador)
espiedo{m} [S. Cone]
spit(also: gob)
lapo{m} [Spa.] [coll.] (escupitajo)
spit(also: headland)
puntilla{f} (península)
spiedo{m} [S. Cone]
spit(also: finger)
a spit of land jutting out into the sea
una lengua de tierra que se adentra en el mar

Synonyms (English) for "spitting":
Context examples for "spitting" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We also know that the main causes, the things spitting out most dioxins, are incinerators.
Asimismo, sabemos que los principales responsables -los principales generadores de dioxina- son los incineradores.
the oil was spitting in the pan
el aceite chisporroteaba en la sartén
she came within spitting distance of winning
no ganó por un pelo
you're the spitting image of your father
eres clavado a tu padre
he's the spitting image of his father
es un calco de su padre
he's the spitting image of his mother
es calcado a su madre
he's the spitting image of his father
es idéntico al padre
to be the spitting image of sb
ser pintado a algn
His programme Dolls, based on Britain's Spitting Image, satirises the President, something which supposedly causes him great irritation.
Su programa "Marionetas" , basado en "Spitting Images" de Gran Bretaña, ridiculiza al Presidente, cosa que, al parecer, le irrita sobremanera.
His programme Dolls, based on Britain's Spitting Image, satirises the President, something which supposedly causes him great irritation.
Su programa " Marionetas ", basado en " Spitting Images " de Gran Bretaña, ridiculiza al Presidente, cosa que, al parecer, le irrita sobremanera.
no spitting
prohibido escupir
no spitting
prohibido salivar
I am sure that on many occasions you have felt the frustration of not being able to 'do', when 'saying' just seemed like spitting in the wind.
Estoy convencida de que muchas veces habrán sentido tal vez la frustración de no poder "hacer", cuando el "decir" parece que se diluye en el viento, en el éter.