
"saliva" in English

"saliva" in English
salivar{intransitive verb}
"saliva" in Spanish
saliva(also: baba)
spit{noun} [coll.]
baba{f} (de adulto)
saliva drooled from its mouth
se le caía la baba

Synonyms (Spanish) for "saliva":
Synonyms (English) for "saliva":
Context examples for "saliva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
tratar de que entre en razón es gastar saliva inútilmente
it's a waste of breath trying to make him see reason
estás gastando saliva inútilmente
you're wasting your breath!
tragó saliva nerviosamente
he gave a nervous gulp
me humedecí el dedo con saliva
I licked my finger
Ya se ha mencionado el hecho de que el cóctel mortal no solo se libera por medio de la saliva, sino también de la grasa en la piel y el sudor.
Reference has already been made to the fact that the toxic cocktail is unleashed not only by spittle but also by fat in the skin and by sweat.
tragar saliva
to swallow hard
Señor Presidente, el presente es un informe de palabrería, no de hechos concretos, de la misma manera que la mayor parte de la financiación del Programa PEACE se ha gastado en saliva.
Mr President, this is a report of verbiage, not substance, just as much of the PEACE funding itself was spent upon froth.
Hace dos años me cansé de gastar saliva en esta Cámara para conseguir 3 millones de ecus para la financiación de los Tribunales Penales para Bosnia y para Ruanda.
Two years ago in this House I talked myself hoarse in order to obtain ECU 3 million for the financing of the Criminal Courts in Yugoslavia and Ruanda.