
"southwestern" in Spanish

"southwestern" in Spanish
The St Petersburg Southwestern Wastewater Treatment Plant is just the tip of the iceberg with regard to what is needed.
La planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del sudoeste de San Petersburgo no es más que la punta del iceberg en relación con todo lo que hace falta.
In this context Romania has an extremely positive experience as it awards scholarships to pupils and students from the Republic of Moldova and the South-Western Ukraine.
En este contexto, Rumanía cuenta con una experiencia extremadamente positiva, puesto que otorga becas a los alumnos y estudiantes de la República de Moldova y del sudoeste de Ucrania.
For a country such as Portugal, located at the south-western edge of Europe, the interoperability of rail transport is crucial.
Para un país como Portugal, situado en el extremo sudoccidental de Europa, la interoperabilidad de los transportes ferroviarios es esencial.
The St Petersburg Southwestern Wastewater Treatment Plant is just the tip of the iceberg with regard to what is needed.
La planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del sudoeste de San Petersburgo no es más que la punta del iceberg en relación con todo lo que hace falta.
He was the pastor of the Bangladesh Free Baptist Church in the village of Jalalpur in the south-western district of Khulna.
Era pastor de la Iglesia Baptista Libre de Bangladesh en la población de Jalalpur, en el distrito sudoeste de Khulna.
Certain areas are extremely vulnerable to acid rain, such as south-western Sweden, certain mountain areas in northern Sweden and, especially, southern Norway.
Algunas regiones - el sudoeste sueco, algunas zonas cordilleranas en el norte de Suecia y, especialmente, el sur de Noruega - son extremadamente sensibles a la lluvia ácida.
Mr President, it is self-evident that things went badly wrong for the waste ship in south-western Turkey.
Señor Presidente, está claro que las cosas fueron muy mal para el buque de desechos en el suroeste de Turquía.
Mr President, it is self-evident that things went badly wrong for the waste ship in south-western Turkey.
Señor Presidente, está claro que las cosas fueron muy mal para el buque de desechos en el suroeste de Turquía.
The situation of cod in the North Sea and off Scotland is different, just as the situation of northern hake off south-western Ireland differs from that off the French coast.
La situación del bacalao del Mar del Norte y del de Escocia es diferente, así como la de la merluza nórdica del suroeste de Irlanda y la de las costas de Francia.
The situation of cod in the North Sea and off Scotland is different, just as the situation of northern hake off south-western Ireland differs from that off the French coast.
La situación del bacalao del Mar del Norte y del de Escocia es diferente, así como la de la merluza nórdica del suroeste de Irlanda y la de las costas de Francia.
According to the 2007 South-West Observatory Report for the south-western counties in England, the region's population has been increasing rapidly, entirely because of migration.
Según el informe de 2007 del Observatorio del Sur-Oeste para los condados suroccidentales de Inglaterra, la población de la región ha aumentado rápidamente, debido totalmente a la migración.

Synonyms (English) for "southwestern":
Context examples for "southwestern" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He was the pastor of the Bangladesh Free Baptist Church in the village of Jalalpur in the south-western district of Khulna.
Por lo tanto, el proyecto de resolución que hemos firmado conjuntamente es extremadamente claro.
The St Petersburg Southwestern Wastewater Treatment Plant is just the tip of the iceberg with regard to what is needed.
Esto significa desarrollar la economía explotando el potencial que ofrece el comercio y el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales.
Mr President, in July 2007 I went to Castletownbere in West Cork, which is in the south-western part of Ireland, and met with the fishing community there.
Señor Presidente, en julio de 2007 visité Castletownbere, en West Cork, en la zona suroccidental de Irlanda, donde tuve la oportunidad de reunirme con la comunidad pesquera local.
According to the 2007 South-West Observatory Report for the south-western counties in England, the region's population has been increasing rapidly, entirely because of migration.
Según el informe de 2007 del Observatorio del Sur-Oeste para los condados suroccidentales de Inglaterra, la población de la región ha aumentado rápidamente, debido totalmente a la migración.