
"del sudoeste" in English

"del sudoeste" in English
del sudoeste{adjective}
La planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del sudoeste de San Petersburgo no es más que la punta del iceberg en relación con todo lo que hace falta.
The St Petersburg Southwestern Wastewater Treatment Plant is just the tip of the iceberg with regard to what is needed.
En este contexto, Rumanía cuenta con una experiencia extremadamente positiva, puesto que otorga becas a los alumnos y estudiantes de la República de Moldova y del sudoeste de Ucrania.
In this context Romania has an extremely positive experience as it awards scholarships to pupils and students from the Republic of Moldova and the South-Western Ukraine.
Señor Presidente, represento a medio millón de ciudadanos del sudoeste de Inglaterra.
Mr President, I represent half a million citizens in the southwest of England.
– Señor Presidente, una nueva empresa de la región del sudoeste de Francia acaba de anunciar su intención de cesar su actividad.
Mr President, yet another business in the south-west of France has just announced that it intends to cease production.
– Señor Presidente, una nueva empresa de la región del sudoeste de Francia acaba de anunciar su intención de cesar su actividad.
MrPresident, yet another business in the south-west of France has just announced that it intends to cease production.

Similar translations for "del sudoeste" in English
Context examples for "del sudoeste" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Todos formaremos parte de la región del sudoeste.
We 'm are all going to be part of the south west region.
Todos formaremos parte de la región del sudoeste.
We'm are all going to be part of the south west region.
– Señor Presidente, una nueva empresa de la región del sudoeste de Francia acaba de anunciar su intención de cesar su actividad.
Mr President, yet another business in the south-west of France has just announced that it intends to cease production.
¿Quién entregará la carta a la persona que vive sola en la zona más extrema del noroeste o el sudoeste de la República de Irlanda?
Who will deliver the letter to the person living alone in the extreme north-west or south-west of the Republic of Ireland?
– Señor Presidente, una nueva empresa de la región del sudoeste de Francia acaba de anunciar su intención de cesar su actividad.
MrPresident, yet another business in the south-west of France has just announced that it intends to cease production.
Ha dicho que espera que el dinero recaudado por esta vignette se destine a la mejora de las infraestructuras del sudoeste de Escocia.
He said that he hoped the money raised by this vignette would go towards improving the infrastructure around the south west of Scotland.
¿Qué clase de mensaje es ése para los pescadores del sudoeste de Inglaterra a los que actualmente les resulta muy difícil salir adelante?
What sort of message is that to the fishermen in the south-west of England who are having a hard time making any living at the moment?
Como ya saben, esta ayuda se necesita urgentemente para los "departamentos" del sudoeste de mi país, que han sufrido unos daños considerables.
As you know, this aid is sorely needed for the departments in the south-west of my country, which have suffered considerable damage.
La planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales del sudoeste de San Petersburgo no es más que la punta del iceberg en relación con todo lo que hace falta.
That is now six weeks away and the Lithuanians, at least according to what their former president said yesterday, know nothing about it.
Así que no podemos quejarnos tanto de que la producción de opio no está controlada hasta que no pongamos en marcha proyectos hidráulicos en la región del sudoeste.
Until we put water projects in the south-west region, we cannot complain as much as we do that opium production is not being contained.
Quisiera referirme a algunas preocupaciones manifestadas por una empresa de mi antigua circunscripción y, en estos momentos, de la región del sudoeste a que represento.
I would like to refer to some concerns expressed by a company in my former constituency and now the south-west region that I represent.
Muchos sectores y tipos de producción han dejado de existir en Europa debido a la competencia desleal de algunos productores del Sudoeste asiático y América del Sur.
Many sectors and types of production have ceased to exist in Europe due to unfair competition from producers in South-West Asia and South America.
En este contexto, Rumanía cuenta con una experiencia extremadamente positiva, puesto que otorga becas a los alumnos y estudiantes de la República de Moldova y del sudoeste de Ucrania.
In this context Romania has an extremely positive experience as it awards scholarships to pupils and students from the Republic of Moldova and the South-Western Ukraine.