
"song and dance" in Spanish

"song and dance" in Spanish
song and dance
número musical de variedades

Synonyms (English) for "song and dance":
Similar translations for "song and dance" in Spanish
y- e
Context examples for "song and dance" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
have you seen the new play there's been such a song and dance about?
¿has visto la nueva obra que ha causado tanto revuelo?
This House will make an almighty song and dance about the proposal that you are preparing.
Vamos a montar tal debate aquí en el Parlamento sobre esta propuesta que ustedes preparan que no se les olvidará.
she gave me a long song and dance about how busy she was
me soltó un rollo sobre la cantidad de trabajo que tenía
a great song and dance was made about the signing of the treaty
el pacto se firmó con bombos y platillos
This issue is very important in Czech domestic politics and the eurosceptics are making a real song and dance about it.
El tema desempeña un gran papel en la política interior checa y es algo que agitan intensamente los euroescépticos.
song and dance
número musical de variedades
We are not asking for miracles nor that a great song and dance be made about what is going to be done, but simply that its management model be more transparent.
Nadie le está pidiendo que haga locuras ni que anuncie a bombo y platillo lo que va a hacer, sino que su modelo de gestión sea más transparente.
Liturgical celebrations were lived out in a joyful and fraternal spirit, such as, the festival of nations, in which each fraternity introduced itself with song and dance.
Las celebraciones litúrgicas se vivieron en un espíritu alegre y fraterno, como por ejemplo, la fiesta de las naciones, en la cual cada Fraternidad se presentó con canciones y bailes.
20h45 - Opening show, Part 1: Terres en vue (Aboriginal troupe) The Keepers of the Eastern Door, Traditional Iroquois song and dance by a Mohawh troupe from kahnawake.
20.45 - Espectáculo de apertura, 1ª PARTE: Terres en veu (Tropa amerindia). The Keepers of the Eastern Door, (canciones y bailes tradicionales iraquíes por una tropa mohicana de Kahnawake)