
"to smack of" in Spanish

"to smack of" in Spanish

Context examples for "to smack of" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A small child can be taken by the hand, or occasionally given a smack, if needs be.
A un niño pequeño se le puede llevar de la mano, o incluso se le puede dar una bofetada si hace falta.
Even if the person says no, they have implicitly admitted that in the past, they did smack their children.
Incluso si el interrogado dice que no, admite implícitamente que antes les pegaba.
Such a procedure would almost smack of sharing out the spoils.
Este modo de proceder tenía casi el tufo de un reparto de botín.
The last two, for me, smack too much of attitudes on the lines of: you are out of work and you only have yourself to blame for that.
Estos dos últimos me huelen demasiado a cuando se dice: estás sin trabajo y eso se debe a tí.
Peaceful demonstrators are arrested, tortured and given prison sentences following trials that smack of nothing more than farce.
Se arresta, tortura y condena a penas de prisión a manifestantes pacíficos después de juicios que no son más que farsas.
she gave him a gentle smack on the hand
le dio un golpe ligero en la mano
if you do that again, I'll smack you
si vuelves a hacer eso, te pego
he walked smack into the glass door
se estrelló contra el cristal
On the other hand, precisely in these countries, unforeseeable developments are often the reason for them to walk smack into debt traps.
Por otra, las situaciones imprevisibles que se dan en esos países son la causa que conduce a caer en la trampa de la deuda.
she kissed him smack on the mouth
lo besó en la mismísima boca
I walked smack into the door
me di un estrellón con la puerta
Mommy's going to smack your bottom
mamá va a hacer chas chas
hit it smack bang in the middle
achúntale bien en el medio
hit it smack dab in the middle
achúntale bien en el medio
you're going to get a smack!
¡te va a caer una bofetada!
All this seems to smack of self-protection on the part of the European Union, which is something that I and my group find unacceptable.
Todo esto parece un golpe de autoprotección por parte de la Unión Europea, lo cual es algo que mi grupo y yo encontramos inadmisible.
he went smack into a tree
se dio contra un árbol
you'll get a smack!
mira que te van a pegar
smack in the middle
justo en el medio
a smack on the bottom
un azote