
"ruidosamente" in English

"ruidosamente" in English
(Varios diputados manifiestan ruidosamente su oposición y despliegan banderolas, coreando: "¡Referéndum!")
(Several Members loudly voice their opposition, waving flags and banners and chanting: 'Referendum!')
noisily{adv.} (laugh, cough, clatter)
Por lo demás, la mayoría de ustedes, y el señor Giscard d'Estaing, lo celebran ruidosamente.
Yet most of you, along with Mr Giscard d'Estaing, are noisily celebrating.
noisily{adv.} (protest, argue)
Por lo demás, la mayoría de ustedes, y el señor Giscard d'Estaing, lo celebran ruidosamente.
Yet most of you, along with Mr Giscard d'Estaing, are noisily celebrating.
El hecho de que un antiguo Canciller esté implicado en una empresa cuyos intereses defendió tan ruidosamente es muy sospechoso.
The fact that a former chancellor is to be involved in a company whose interests he defended so vociferously is suspicious in the extreme.

Context examples for "ruidosamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
cayó ruidosamente al lago
it fell into the lake with a loud splash
subieron las escaleras ruidosamente
they thundered up the stairs
protestaron ruidosamente
they were vociferous in their protest
bajó ruidosamente las escaleras
she thumped down the stairs
subió ruidosamente las escaleras
he stumped up the stairs