
"prodigious" in Spanish

"prodigious" in Spanish
prodigioso{adj. m}
The see the human family united around a single event seems to me prodigious.
Me parece prodigioso que la familia humana pueda comulgara con el mismo evento.
Her faith in the Real Presence in the Eucharist was so great that on two occasions, prodigious events were witnessed.
Su fe en la presencia real de la Eucaristía era tan grande que en dos ocasiones se comprobó un hecho prodigioso.
Mr President, in recent days my small country of Northern Ireland has lost its most prodigious sporting talent ever.
– Señor Presidente, en los últimos días mi pequeño país de Irlanda del Norte ha perdido a su talento deportivo más prodigioso de todos los tiempos.
ingente{adj.} [form.]

Context examples for "prodigious" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
prodigious deeds of Him who called them from darkness into his own wonderful
que de las tinieblas le llamó a su admirable luz (cfr.
You have a prodigious talent, but what do you use it for?
Señor Martens, le he escuchado y tiene usted un talento privilegiado, pero, ¿al servicio de quién?
Our rapporteur's achievement was truly prodigious.
Nuestra ponente realmente ha conseguido lo imposible.
There were several references to countries where capital punishment is carried out in prodigious, horrific quantities.
Ha habido varias referencias a países en los que la pena capital se aplica en cantidades tremendas y terribles.
In this regard, I must highlight the prodigious efforts of the European Commission to help these people, not least through monitoring in the field.
A este respecto, me urge destacar los esfuerzos que la Comisión Europea está prodigando, también a través de detenidas comprobaciones sobre el terreno, para socorrer a estas poblaciones.
In a series of interviews, van Sweden, a prodigious lecturer and author of numerous books on the elements and design of gardens, shares his philosophy about an enduring design legacy.
En una serie de entrevistas, van Sweden, maravilloso lector y autor de numerosos libros sobre elementos y diseños de jardines, comparte su filosofía acerca del legado perdurable del diseño.
Seventy per cent of their value will be paid out from the Community purse, and that is certainly a tidy sum, which illustrates the prodigious effort being undertaken by the Union in this domain.
El 70 % de este valor corre a cargo de la Comunidad, lo que supone una cantidad realmente no despreciable y representa unos esfuerzos muy importantes de la Unión en este contexto.