
"prioritariamente" in English

"prioritariamente" in English
¿Quizás porque se cree que esta enfermedad afecta prioritariamente a las personas de edad avanzada?
Could this be mainly because it is believed that Alzheimer's disease affects mainly the aged?
Sin embargo, las necesarias estrategias policiales para oponerse a ello siguen permaneciendo prioritariamente dentro del ámbito de competencias nacional.
However, the police counter-strategies needed still mainly come within the jurisdiction of the nation states.
Como bien pueden comprender, me gustaría hacer hincapié en la necesidad de que el espacio sirva prioritariamente a objetivos pacíficos.
As you are aware, I would like to emphasise the need for the space sector to serve mainly peaceful objectives.
Son ellos los que deberían ser indemnizados prioritariamente por la pérdida de su empleo.
They are the ones that should be compensated first and foremost for the loss of their jobs.
se distribuirán prioritariamente entre los ancianos
they will be distributed first and foremost to old people
No se trata de un país que sea prioritariamente receptor de ayudas, sino de un país que apoya activamente a los organismos internacionales.
This is not a country which is first and foremost an aid beneficiary; it is a country which actively supports international organisations.

Context examples for "prioritariamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Y no se ha establecido qué Derecho, en esos casos, debe aplicarse prioritariamente.
No ruling has been given on which law should take precedence in such cases.
Por deberse tratar prioritariamente de otros temas, no se pudo considerar.
Since the priority was to deal with other issues, it could not be discussed.
sacerdotes locales no deben confiarse, prioritariamente, las comunidades ya
general rule that local priests will be given communities that are already
Europa debe trabajar prioritariamente en la creación de un mercado viable de capital de riesgo.
Europe must work towards creating a viable venture capital market as a priority.
Nos parece que las ayudas para reactivar las zonas rurales deberían reforzarse prioritariamente.
It seems to us that priority should be given to aid for reviving the rural areas.
En primer lugar, creo que hay que resolver prioritariamente el problema de la imparcialidad.
Firstly, I believe that the priority should be to resolve the problem of impartiality.
Son ellos los que deberían ser indemnizados prioritariamente por la pérdida de su empleo.
They are the ones that should be compensated first and foremost for the loss of their jobs.
Es un dato que hay que tener en cuenta prioritariamente para la acción comunitaria.
We must give this factor priority in terms of Community action.
La adecuada formación de los empleados del sector turístico debe ser, en mi opinión, prioritariamente estimulada.
I believe that we must give real priority to training those employed in the tourist industry.
se distribuirán prioritariamente entre los ancianos
they will be distributed first and foremost to old people
Por este motivo la lucha contra la inmigración clandestina debe ser llevada a cabo prioritariamente en las fronteras.
This is why the campaign against illegal immigration must first of all be conducted at frontiers.
se distribuirán prioritariamente entre los ancianos
the priority will be to distribute them to old people
Como mensaje, parafraseando a Martin Wolf, debemos ayudar prioritariamente a los que quieren ayudarse a sí mismos.
To paraphrase Martin Wolf, I would like to say that we should first of all help those who help themselves.
Voltaire y Brecht, los dos, coinciden en una expresión, que no sabría muy bien a quien atribuir prioritariamente.
Both Voltaire and Brecht used a similar expression, and I am not very sure to which of them it should be most attributed.
Por eso tenemos que centrarnos prioritariamente en la investigación, para recabar toda la información posible.
This is why the greatest emphasis is to be placed on research, so as to enable us to gather as much information as possible.
En cuanto al arranque, debe seguir estando prioritariamente reservado a reestructurar y recalificar los viñedos.
As for grubbing-up, it should remain, for preference, a tool to be used for the restructuring and requalification of vineyards.
Dispone que se traten en primer lugar y prioritariamente los tres asuntos fundamentales que se dejaron de lado en Amsterdam.
It specifies that we must deal firstly and as a priority with the three basic issues which were left out in Amsterdam.
En conclusión, la ayuda financiera concedida en el marco nuclear debe ser dirigida prioritariamente hacia la seguridad nuclear.
In conclusion, the financial aid provided in the nuclear sector must, as a priority, be directed towards nuclear safety.
Señorías, considero, por consiguiente, que el principio de mainstreaming debe favorecer prioritariamente a las mujeres.
I therefore believe, ladies and gentlemen, that the principle of mainstreaming should be a priority as far as women are concerned.
Sin duda el tema de Iraq, de Irán y todos los temas que su Señoría ha planteado son temas que están en nuestra agenda prioritariamente.
It seemed to me that the time set aside for the debate was not sufficient to talk about all the issues of the region.