
"preachment" in Spanish

"preachment" in Spanish
to preach{transitive verb}
work with all their strength to preach the gospel to those who are outside the
los presbíteros hagan todo lo posible por predicar el Evangelio a los que
As a result, they should stop claiming that they can preach to the rest of the world.
En consecuencia, deberían parar de reclamar lo que pueden predicar al resto del mundo.
That must be taken into account, if we want to preach by example.
Creo que hay que tener esto en cuenta, si queremos predicar con el ejemplo.
to preach[preached · preached] {transitive verb}
It is our essential duty to silence all of those who preach this vile ideology.
Nuestro deber imperativo es hacer callar a todos los que preconizan esta ideología abominable.
There are those who preach the infamous ‘ quest for social peace’.
Hay quienes preconizan infame« búsqueda de la paz social».
There are those who preach the infamous ‘quest for social peace’.
Hay quienes preconizan infame «búsqueda de la paz social».
to preach[preached · preached] {intransitive verb}
It is not that we wish to preach.
No es que queramos dar un sermón.
to preach a sermon
dar un sermón
That means not just preaching to others in a paternalistic way, but also offering a helping hand.
Eso no significa solamente sermonear a otros de manera paternalista, sino también tenderles la mano para ayudarles.
Today, it unveils its ‘Strategy for Africa’, preaching with sheer effrontery about good governance.
Hoy desvela su «Estrategia para África», sermoneando descaradamente acerca de la gobernanza.
Today, it unveils its ‘ Strategy for Africa’, preaching with sheer effrontery about good governance.
Hoy desvela su« Estrategia para África», sermoneando descaradamente acerca de la gobernanza.