
"not guilty" in Spanish

"not guilty" in Spanish
not guilty{adjective}
inocente{adj.} [law] (sin culpa)
We are not here to find out whether Cesare Battisti is guilty or not guilty.
No estamos aquí para averiguar si Cesare Battisti es culpable o inocente.
Whether he is guilty or innocent is an entirely different matter.
El que sea culpable o inocente es algo que no tiene nada que ver con lo que estamos tratando.
They have always assumed that a person is innocent until proven guilty.
Siempre han dado por sentado que una persona es inocente, mientras no se demuestre su culpabilidad.

Synonyms (English) for "not guilty":
Similar translations for "not guilty" in Spanish
no- ni
Context examples for "not guilty" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I believe that not only Mladić but also the other guilty parties must stand trial.
Considero que Mladić así como los otros culpables deben comparecer en juicio.
In my opinion, this amounts to collusion, which makes Sudan just as guilty.
Se trata, en este caso, de una complicidad que también lo convierte en culpable.
As a former member of the Committee on Budgetary Control I myself am also guilty.
Como antiguo miembro de la Comisión de Control Presupuestario, soy también culpable.
Apart from that of course the culprits are any who are guilty of war crimes.
Por eso, es evidente que son culpables todos los autores de crímenes de guerra.
In simple English, Madam President, this House is guilty of gross hypocrisy.
Hablando en plata, señora Presidenta, esta Cámara es culpable de burda hipocresía.
The country's security services are guilty of violence against ordinary people.
Los servicios de seguridad del país son culpables de violencia contra los ciudadanos.
What crimes they are guilty of is unclear and the action should be dropped.
No está claro el delito que han cometido y las acusaciones deben ser desestimadas.
If we forget that we are guilty of conceit, evasiveness and superficiality.
Si olvidamos que somos culpables de engreimiento, de ser evasivos y superficiales,
In other words, the majority in Parliament is guilty of shameless inconsistency.
Dicho de otro modo, la mayoría del Parlamento es culpable de una vergonzosa incoherencia.
First of all we have to find and call to account those who are guilty of the act.
Lo primero que hay que hacer es encontrar a los culpables y exigirles responsabilidades.
Parliament has not been guilty of profligate spending even in recent years.
El Parlamento no ha pecado tampoco los años anteriores de gastos exagerados.
It is the Russian elite that are guilty of this, a group we have had no hold on.
El causante es la élite rusa, a la que no hemos mantenido bajo control.
Investigations show that the Commission is guilty of serious negligence.
Las investigaciones han revelado que la Comisión es responsable de fallos graves.
Unfortunately for some, however, it is guilty of not being a left-wing government.
Sin embargo, para desgracia de algunos, es culpable de no ser un Gobierno de izquierdas.
The former Commission, through its negligence, was guilty of manslaughter.
Debido a su negligencia, la Comisión anterior ha cometido un homicidio involuntario.
You are being put through this procedure as though you are presumed guilty, not innocent.
Se le somete a este procedimiento presumiendo su culpabilidad, no su inocencia.
It is making itself guilty of the failure to assist those whom it has a duty to protect.
Se hace culpable de falta de asistencia a quienes tiene el deber de proteger.
I repeat: not all those guilty of terrorist attacks were tried in Italy!
Repito: ¡no todos los culpables de atentados terroristas fueron juzgados en Italia!
It just shows in other words that we are equally guilty of protectionism.
Esto demuestra, en otras palabras, que somos igualmente culpables de proteccionismo.
The responsibility of the guilty should be no less than if they were drug dealers.
La responsabilidad de los culpables no debe ser menor que si fueran traficantes de drogas.