
"no residente" in English

"no residente" in English
nonresident{noun} (of country)
El intercambio automático de todos los datos sobre cualquier persona no residente en Europa generará una avalancha de datos imposible de gestionar.
The automatic exchange of all data on every non-resident in Europe will lead to an unmanageable flood of data.

Similar translations for "no residente" in English
Context examples for "no residente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El intercambio automático de todos los datos sobre cualquier persona no residente en Europa generará una avalancha de datos imposible de gestionar.
The automatic exchange of all data on every non-resident in Europe will lead to an unmanageable flood of data.
Si no eres residente en España, la retirada solo afecta a ese país y las autoridades españolas tendrán que devolverte el permiso cuando finalice tu estancia.
If you are not, it applies only to Spain and the Spanish authorities must return your licence when you leave the country.
No residente U.S.
Non-U.S. resident
Los bancos checos rechazan su solicitud por no ser residente, mientras que la empresa se niega a ingresarle la nómina en una cuenta de una entidad húngara.
Czech banks refused to let him open a bank account because he was not a resident, and the company refused to pay his salary into a Hungarian bank account.
Si pasas un periodo breve (menos de seis meses del año) en otro país de la UE sin trabajar, es probable que no se te considere residente a efectos fiscales.
If you spend a short period (less than 6 months in a year) in another EU country without working there, you probably won’t be considered a resident for tax purposes in that country.