
"mundo editorial" in English

"mundo editorial" in English
mundo editorial{masculine}
tiene poca experiencia del mundo editorial
she's a relative stranger to the publishing world
el mundo editorial no le es desconocido a Acme Inc
Acme Inc is no newcomer to publishing
una puerta abierta al mundo editorial
an open sesame to the world of publishing

Similar translations for "mundo editorial" in English
Context examples for "mundo editorial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
tiene poca experiencia del mundo editorial
she's a relative stranger to the publishing world
el mundo editorial no le es desconocido a Acme Inc
Acme Inc is no newcomer to publishing
una puerta abierta al mundo editorial
an open sesame to the world of publishing
quiere meterse en el mundo editorial
she wants to go into publishing
un gigante del mundo editorial
a publishing giant
Un peligro creciente, a mi modo de ver, para que la prensa pueda funcionar bien con las condiciones necesarias, es la concentración de poder dentro del mundo editorial.
In my view the concentrations of power in the publishing world are a growing threat to the conditions the press need to be able to function effectively.