
"merecedor" in English

"merecedor" in English
merecedor{adjective masculine}
merecedor{adjective masculine}
deserving{adj.} (of something)
cultos sincretistas que, aunque merecedores de respeto, no pueden ser
syncretist cults which, while deserving of respect, cannot be considered a
es merecedor del respeto de todos
he is deserving of everyone's respect
En mi opinión, la Resolución es del todo merecedora de apoyo.
The resolution, in my opinion, is fully deserving of support.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "merecedor":
Context examples for "merecedor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¡Ciertamente, soy un enviado [Suyo] a vosotros, [y por tanto] merecedor de vuestra confianza:
When their brother Noah said to them, "Will you not fear (Allah and avoid evil)?
Espero que el Parlamento sea merecedor de esta reputación durante la votación de mañana.
I hope that Parliament lives up to this reputation during tomorrow's vote.
También considero que el esfuerzo de nuestra institución debe ser merecedor de reconocimiento.
I also believe that this action by our institution must be recalled and given credit.
Esto es lo mínimo que se puede esperar de un Parlamento que quiera ser merecedor de ese nombre.
That is the least that can be expected of a parliament worthy of the name.
¡Ciertamente, soy un enviado [Suyo] a vosotros, [y por tanto] merecedor de vuestra confianza:
When their brother Lot said to them, "Will you not fear (Allah or evil)?
Sus opiniones muchas veces provocadoras le hicieron merecedor del calificativo de euroescéptico.
His attitudes were often provocative, which led to him being labelled a euro-sceptic.
Señora Presidenta, para empezar felicito al ponente por un trabajo merecedor de ello.
Madam President, I should like to begin by congratulating the rapporteur on a very good piece of work.
Pero en el caso que usted ha citado el consumidor no se hace merecedor de una sanción penal.
But in the case which you have mentioned the consumer does not make himself liable to prosecution.
Lo que ha resultado en la organización de mercado del vino es en cualquier caso merecedor de alabanza.
What has come out of the organisation of the market in wine is in any case praiseworthy.
El texto que se nos ha sometido responde a este objetivo y debe por ello ser merecedor de nuestros votos.
The text which has been proposed to us meets that aim and therefore should be adopted.
Queso parmesano auténtico, merecedor del sello de calidad de la UE.
Authentic Parmesan cheese is stamped with an EU quality label.
Hay que ganársela y ser merecedor de ella.
Member of the Commission. - Trust can never be commanded, it has to be deserved and earned.
¡Ciertamente, soy un enviado [Suyo] a vosotros, [y por tanto] merecedor de vuestra confianza:
When their brother Salih said to them, "Will you not fear?
La excelencia de su trabajo lo ha hecho merecedor de muchos premios.
The excellence of his work has garnered him many awards.
¡Ciertamente, soy un enviado [Suyo] a vosotros, [y por tanto] merecedor de vuestra confianza:
When their brother Hud said to them, "Will you not fear?
Brinkhorst ha mejorado el procedimiento, y es merecedor de nuestro agradecimiento.
He has improved procedures. We should thank him.
Sin embargo, este compromiso es merecedor de nuestro apoyo.
Nonetheless, this compromise does deserve our support.
El racismo y la xenofobia constituyen un problema grave y merecedor de la mayor seriedad en toda la Unión.
Racism and xenophobia are a serious problem throughout the Union and one that must be taken seriously.
¡Ciertamente, soy un enviado [Suyo] a vosotros, [y por tanto] merecedor de vuestra confianza:
Shu'eyb said unto them, "Will you not fear?
La excelencia de su trabajo lo ha hecho merecedor de muchos premios.
In 2002, he worked with director Robert Lepage to design the lighting for British singer Peter Gabriel's world tour, Growing Up.