
"martirio" in English

"martirio" in English
hasta el martirio por el intrépido testimonio del Evangelio.
It would take them even to martyrdom for their fearless witness to the Gospel.
consagrados por el martirio de los Apóstoles y de cuantos
consecrated by the martyrdom of the Apostles and all those who bore
martirio de tan graves enfermedades"...: "Desde que conocí la
martyrdom of so many illnesses", that: "After I once came to know the

Context examples for "martirio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, el martirio de Timor ha puesto de manifiesto muchas cosas.
Mr President, the horror in Timor has illustrated many things.
Creció sobre el fundamento de su martirio, y persevera.
It grew on the foundation of his martyr’s death and it survives still.
De ellos muchos fueron encarcelados, otros sufrieron el martirio.
Of these many were imprisoned, others were martyred.
jubilosos por ese [martirio] que Dios les ha concedido de Su favor.
Rejoicing in what Allah has brought them of His Bounty, glad for those who have not reached them yet, those left behind; there is no fear for them, and they shall not grieve;
sufrir el martirio
to be martyred
Y no creo que nosotros, como Unión Europea sigamos los hechos soportando el martirio de Sísifo, llevando la roca hasta la cumbre de la montaña para que otros nos la arrojen de nuevo abajo.
Nor do I think that we, the European Union, are mere bystanders doomed, like Sisyphus, to roll the boulder to the top of the mountain and then watch others toss it back over the edge.