
"león" in English

"león" in English
León{proper noun}
Pero quisiera señalarles que ésta no es la parte del león del Acuerdo.
However, I should like to point out that this is not the lion's share of the agreement.
– Señor Presidente, me sorprende que hablemos sobre la caza del león en este Parlamento.
Mr President, I am a little surprised that we are to debate lion hunting in this Parliament.
– Señor Presidente, me sorprende que hablemos sobre la caza del león en este Parlamento.
MrPresident, I am a little surprised that we are to debate lion hunting in this Parliament.
Señor Presidente, quiero agradecer a la ponente por haber luchado como una leona por el acceso a la información medioambiental.
Mr President, I want to thank the rapporteur for having fought like a lioness for access to environmental information.
León{proper noun}
Ricardo de León Regil era un médico cuya labor era ampliamente reconocida y valorada.
Ricardo de León Regil was a doctor whose work was widely recognised and valued.
Esta cuestión está siendo sin duda alguna de mucha importancia en Castilla-León.
This matter is assuming great importance in Castile and Leon.
“Working again with Kings of Leon to produce this record was such a great experience.
“Working again with Kings of Leon to produce this record was such a great experience.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "león":
Context examples for "león" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Predecesores y, de modo particular, por León XIII, quien hace algo más de 100
out by my Predecessors, and notably by Leo XIII, who over a hundred years ago,
San León irrumpe diciendo: “Hoy nos ha nacido el Salvador, queridísimos”.
St. Leo begins, “Our Saviour, dearly beloved, was born this day.”
Muchas gracias, señor Comisario Leon Brittan. Gracias por su satisfactoria respuesta.
Thank you for that very comprehensive reply, Commissioner.
Sir Leon Brittan, hace poco tiempo nos ha visitado el Premio Nobel Wole Soyinka.
Commission Vice-President Brittan, we recently received a visit from Nobel Peace Prize winner Wole Soyinke.
más vale ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león
it's better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond
Me gustaría oír lo que opina Sir Leon Brittan al respecto.
I would like to know what Mr Brittan thinks about this.
León X estableció otro organismo, el Secretarius
Leo X established another position, the Secretarius Intimus, to
Rerum Novarum de León XIII como punto
beginning with the Encyclical Rerum Novarum of Leo XIII as a point of
el león se escapó y recorrió el pueblo haciendo estragos
the lion escaped and ran amok through the village
Mi opinión es que posiblemente haya saltado usted con la fuerza de un león, pero ha acabado arrastrándose ante el Consejo.
The crisis has reassured citizens that the spirit of democracy prevails in the European Union.
AtrásBiografíaLeon RothenbergSound Designer.
BackBiographyLeon RothenbergSound Designer.
fue atacado por un león y pudo contar el cuento
he was mauled by a lion and lived to tell the tale
fue atacado por un león y salió con vida
he was mauled by a lion and lived to tell the tale
es un león para defender sus derechos
he'll fight to the death to defend his rights
Una breve investigación nos dice que León pronunció esta homilía en Roma, en la primera Navidad de su pontificado, en el 440.
A little research indicated that he delivered this sermon in Rome on the first Christmas of his pontificate in 440.
el león atacó al ciervo con fiereza y lo mató
the lion savaged the deer to death
no es tan fiero el león como lo pintan
he isn't the monster he's made out to be
Doy las gracias al Comisario Leon Brittan.
Thank you, Commissioner Brittan.
el león se aprestó a caer sobre su presa
the lion closed in for the kill
el león es peligroso si se lo provoca
the lion is dangerous when roused