
"insufrible" in English

"insufrible" in English
insufrible{adjective masculine/feminine}
insufrible{adjective masculine/feminine}
Si los gobiernos se ausentan nos quedaríamos con una tertulia grandiosa, sería insufrible para este Parlamento ser engatusado de ese modo.
For the governments to absent themselves would leave us with a grandiose talking shop, it would be insufferable for this Parliament to be fobbed off in this way.
Lo que hace falta está tremendamente claro y es la solidaridad con las personas que escapan de unas condiciones de vida insufribles.
What is needed is absolutely clear, and that is solidarity with people fleeing from insufferable living conditions.
Obviamente, sería un motivo de gran preocupación si alguien, cuyo único delito es estar en contra del régimen actual, fuera víctima de un trato insufrible.
Obviously, it would be a matter of great concern if someone, whose only offence is to be antagonistic towards an existing regime, were to be the victim of insufferable treatment.
Aprovechan la cooperación en el regreso de los millones de refugiados afganos, financiado por la ONU, para una aceptación oficial mundial de su tiranía insufrible.
They seize on cooperation in the return of millions of Afghan refugees, sponsored by the United Nations, as official global acceptance of their unbearable tyranny.
El divorcio siempre es una experiencia traumática para un niño, tanto como para los adultos, y si va acompañado de un litigio que dura varios años puede resultar verdaderamente insufrible.
Divorce is always a traumatic experience for a child, as it is for adults too, and if it is followed by litigation that lasts for years it can become absolutely intolerable.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "insufrible":
Context examples for "insufrible" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es insufrible para los señores diputados, para los señores comisarios y para la prensa.
It makes life very difficult for Members, Commissioners and the press.
La burocracia en este área resulta sencillamente insufrible.
Bureaucracy in this area is simply unmanageable.
el tiempo pasaba con una lentitud insufrible
time passed unbearably slowly