
"ingrata" in English

"ingrata" in English
ingrata{adjective feminine}
ingrata{adjective feminine}
Se ha visto colocado en una situación ingrata para dirigir la Fundación de Salónica.
He has been placed in an invidious position in running Thessaloniki.
Da la casualidad de que yo me opongo a las enmiendas, pero parece que se nos coloca en una situación ingrata al pedirnos que votemos enmiendas que no hemos tenido la oportunidad de debatir.
I happen to oppose the amendments but it seems to be that we have been put in an invidious position, asking us to vote on amendments which we have not had an opportunity to debate.
es una ingrata
she's an ungrateful devil
es una ingrata
she's so ungrateful

Context examples for "ingrata" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Como sucede tan a menudo en la Unión Europea, tenemos que sacar lo mejor posible de una tarea ingrata.
As happens so often in the European Union, we have to make the best of a bad job.
Herzog ha tenido realmente una tarea ingrata.
MrPresident, MrHerzog really has had a thankless task.
Herzog ha tenido realmente una tarea ingrata.
Mr President, Mr Herzog really has had a thankless task.
Sé que es una tarea ingrata para la Comisión y para el Consejo, pero necesitamos que en este caso salga bien.
I know it is a thankless task for the Commission as for the Council but we need to get this one right.
– La Presidencia tiene la tarea ingrata de intentar llegar a un acuerdo en el Consejo sobre las perspectivas financieras.
That concludes this debate, and I would like to thank everybody who has taken part in it.
Se trata de una tarea ingrata y peligrosa.
It is a difficult, thankless and dangerous task.
– La Presidencia tiene la tarea ingrata de intentar llegar a un acuerdo en el Consejo sobre las perspectivas financieras.
The Presidency has a thankless task in trying to reach an agreement in Council on the financial perspectives.
Sus Señorías se enfrentan en ocasiones a la ingrata tarea de asegurar una visión sostenible del futuro para las personas a las que representan.
Its Members have the sometimes thankless task of guaranteeing a sustainable view of the future for the people they represent.
Es una labor ingrata.
It is a thankless task.
es una ingrata
she's an ungrateful devil
es una ingrata
she's so ungrateful