
"inelegantly" in Spanish

However, as Mr Daul elegantly put it, it was the right that won the elections, therefore you are on the right.
No obstante, como elegantemente ha señalado el señor Daul, fue la derecha la que ganó las elecciones, por tanto usted está con la derecha.
an elegantly furnished room
una habitación elegantemente amueblada
You - above all Commissioners Lamy and Fischer - managed to bring that off elegantly in Doha, but, as I said at the outset, the real work is only getting under way now.
Ustedes han logrado introducirlo elegantemente en las negociaciones de la OMC en Doha, sobre todo el Comisario Lamy y el Comisario Fischler.
galanamente{adv.} [poet.]
Perched on balancing canes, she moves elegantly through a series of precarious positions of ever-increasing intricacy.
Encaramada sobre unos bastones en equilibrio, se desplaza con elegancia efectuando una serie de precarios movimientos de una complejidad cada vez mayor.

Context examples for "inelegantly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If that is the case then this office is, to put it inelegantly, completely off the mark.
Si es así, entonces esta oficina es, por decirlo claramente, totalmente innecesaria.