
"indecoroso" in English

"indecoroso" in English
indecoroso{adjective masculine}
indecoroso{adjective masculine}
La reaparición de este indecoroso debate ha causado mucho daño a toda la UE.
The re-emerging unseemly debate has caused a great deal of harm to the entire EU.
Sería indecoroso que algunas empresas se embolsaran unos beneficios enormes a costa de los niños enfermos.
It would be unseemly to rake in enormous profits on the back of sick children.
Esta indecorosa prisa por juzgarlo no contribuyó a mejorar la credibilidad del tribunal.
This unseemly rush to judgment did nothing to improve the court's credibility.
improper{adj.} (unseemly)
Ha sido este indecoroso comportamiento el que me ha empujado a la abstención.
It was this improper behaviour that caused me to abstain.
Este triunfalismo es indecoroso y desagradable y estará allí porque la élite asume que tiene su Tratado de Lisboa.
This triumphalism is improper and distasteful, and it will be there because the elite assume that they have got their Lisbon Treaty.
Es una pena que a menudo algunos diputados ya no estén cuando es mi turno de respuesta; espero que no haya sido indecoroso decir esto.
It is unfortunate that often Members have disappeared when it is time for me to reply - I hope this is not an improper comment.
improper{adj.} (indecent)
Ha sido este indecoroso comportamiento el que me ha empujado a la abstención.
It was this improper behaviour that caused me to abstain.
Este triunfalismo es indecoroso y desagradable y estará allí porque la élite asume que tiene su Tratado de Lisboa.
This triumphalism is improper and distasteful, and it will be there because the elite assume that they have got their Lisbon Treaty.
Es una pena que a menudo algunos diputados ya no estén cuando es mi turno de respuesta; espero que no haya sido indecoroso decir esto.
It is unfortunate that often Members have disappeared when it is time for me to reply - I hope this is not an improper comment.
indecent{adj.} (unseemly)
unbecoming{adj.} [form.] (unseemly)
undignified{adj.} (behavior)
Los horribles vídeos de este indecoroso final disgustó incluso a algunos defensores de la pena de muerte.
The horrific videos of his undignified end upset even some supporters of the death penalty.
El retraso es injustificado e indecoroso y le ha puesto a usted en una situación y en un papel que no le corresponden.
The delay has been unwarranted and undignified and it has cast you in a light and in a role where you do not properly belong.
undignified{adj.} (posture)
Los horribles vídeos de este indecoroso final disgustó incluso a algunos defensores de la pena de muerte.
The horrific videos of his undignified end upset even some supporters of the death penalty.
El retraso es injustificado e indecoroso y le ha puesto a usted en una situación y en un papel que no le corresponden.
The delay has been unwarranted and undignified and it has cast you in a light and in a role where you do not properly belong.
untoward{adj.} [form.] (unseemly, improper)

Context examples for "indecoroso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es importante distinguir entre lo que es ilegal y lo que es indecoroso u ofensivo para la moral.
It is important to distinguish between what is illegal and what is offensive or damaging to morals.
Sin embargo, es muy importante que distingamos entre lo que es ilegal y lo que es indecoroso u ofensivo para la moral.
However, it is very important for us to distinguish between what is illegal and what is offensive or morally damaging.