
"impossibly" in Spanish

Possibly it will come out debilitated militarily, but strengthened politically.
Posiblemente saldrá debilitado militarmente, pero fortalecido políticamente.
Thirteen studies were identified as possibly eligible for inclusion.
Se identificaron 13 estudios como posiblemente elegibles para la inclusión.
It will take leadership, or possibly the inevitable economic meltdown.
Se requerirá liderazgo, o posiblemente el inevitable colapso económico.
I am also thinking, possibly, of a number of emerging countries, already industrialised.
Pienso también, eventualmente, en varios países emergentes que actualmente están en pleno proceso de industrialización.
to have recourse, possibly offering to draft and forward it himself.53
e indicando la necesidad de recurrir ante quien goza de tal facultad, ofreciéndose eventualmente para tramitarla.53
A great deal has also been said today about how we can possibly support the strengthening of democracy in Russia.
Se ha hablado mucho hoy de la manera en que eventualmente podremos respaldar el fortalecimiento de la democracia en Rusia.

Synonyms (English) for "possibly":
Context examples for "impossibly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We know the industry often claims that to do so would be impossibly difficult or expensive, but it then goes on to do just that.
Sabemos que la industria a menudo dice que esto es imposible, difícil o caro, pero es posible imponer normas más severas.
More seriously, the proposals would impose an impossibly costly and labour-intensive recording system where sheep numbers are large.
La Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural simplemente pide, en este informe, que se tengan en cuenta los diversos factores.
I feel, however, that such warnings make no sense unless they serve to encourage good behaviour and good performance and never to set impossibly high thresholds.
– Quisiera dar la bienvenida a la delegación de la Asamblea del Reino de Arabia Saudí, presidida por el señor Al-Muhsin Al-Hussein.
More seriously, the proposals would impose an impossibly costly and labour-intensive recording system where sheep numbers are large.
Y lo que es más grave, las propuestas impondrían un sistema de registro imposible en términos de costes e intensidad de mano de obra cuando se trata de grandes cantidades de ovejas.
At the present time the situation is such that most of the accent is being placed on the Munich-Verona route where an impossibly expensive, 20 km long mega tunnel is being proposed.
Actualmente la situación es tal que se está apostando de un modo relativamente unilateral por el trayecto MunichVerona proyectándose para ello un megatunel impagable de 20 kms.