
"unbelievably" in Spanish

"unbelievably" in Spanish
It is therefore unbelievably risky for this to be dependent on the discretion of the US military.
Por ello, es increíblemente arriesgado dejarlo a la discreción del ejército norteamericano.
Is that not unbelievably farcical!
¡Eso es increíblemente absurdo!
These Tibetans are imprisoned and subjected to unbelievably cruel abuse after having been deported to China.
Estos tibetanos son encarcelados y sometidos a malos tratos increíblemente crueles después de ser deportados a China.

Synonyms (English) for "unbelievably":
Context examples for "unbelievably" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Unbelievably, they have refused to allow 1997 to be designated European Year against Racism.
Aunque parezca mentira, ha renunciado a que 1997 sea designado Año Europeo contra el Racismo.
There are also Danish drivers who have been 'imprisoned' and who are receiving unbelievably bad treatment.
También conductores daneses se encuentran «presos» y reciben un trato deplorable.
There are also Danish drivers who have been 'imprisoned ' and who are receiving unbelievably bad treatment.
También conductores daneses se encuentran« presos» y reciben un trato deplorable.
The procedures which business and industry had to grapple with were unbelievably complex and inefficient.
Los procedimientos en los que se ven inmersas las empresas han sido imprevisiblemente complicados e ineficaces.
I would briefly like to say something more on the amendments, which have reached an unbelievably high number - three in total.
Quiero decir brevemente unas palabras más sobre las enmiendas, que ya alcanzan un número elevadísimo: tres en total.
These Tibetans are imprisoned and subjected to unbelievably cruel abuse after having been deported to China.
Lo que se necesita son mejores condiciones de vida y educación, no una guerra civil cuyo objetivo sea establecer un sistema comunista destructivo.
Competition is often not about winning an event or a game, but about winning the sometimes unbelievably lucrative contracts that come with that.
Lo siento, pero creo que la única manera de impedir el dopaje de los deportistas es desmercantilizar el deporte.
he runs unbelievably fast
corre con una rapidez increíble
he runs unbelievably fast
corre increíblemente rápido
The reason for this congestion is not insufficient airspace but the unbelievably inefficient way in which European airspace is managed.
Las razones de estas congestiones no obedecen a una insuficiencia del espacio aéreo sino a una gestión absurda e ineficaz del espacio aéreo europeo.
You have wonderful partnerships at local level and achieve unbelievably good results, very often from a tiny catalytic contribution coming from the Structural Funds.
Desde este punto de vista, ahora es realmente el último momento para tomar la decisión sobre el presupuesto, ya que nos falta tiempo.
I think and am convinced that what has become possible today owing to this unbelievably far-reaching empowerment of the President is opening the floodgates to despotism.
Creo y estoy convencido de que lo que se ha hecho posible hoy con esta concesión de poderes al Presidente, de increíble trascendencia, da vía libre al despotismo.
I myself hardly believed that it would be possible to accomplish enlargement in the unbelievably short time available, in the face of all the colossal problems associated with it.
Yo mismo apenas podía creer que sería posible culminar la ampliación en el brevísimo plazo disponible, a la vista de todos los problemas colosales asociados con ella.