
"granitos" in English

"granitos" in English
El reino de Dios está aquí, aunque escondido (semilla enterrada) o como una presencia casi invisible (grano de mostaza).
The Kingdom of God is here, though hidden (the buried seed) or is like an almost invisible presence (the mustard seed).
En efecto, de siempre, los agricultores han podido hacer su propia semilla y han desarrollado un circuito específico que son los granos con destino a siembra en la propia explotación.
In fact, from time immemorial, farmers have had the right to use their own seed and have developed a specific system known as "farm-saved seed' .
En efecto, de siempre, los agricultores han podido hacer su propia semilla y han desarrollado un circuito específico que son los granos con destino a siembra en la propia explotación.
In fact, from time immemorial, farmers have had the right to use their own seed and have developed a specific system known as " farm-saved seed '.
Cristo es el grano de trigo que muriendo ha dado frutos de vida inmortal.
Christ is the grain of wheat who by dying has borne fruits of everlasting life.
Tampoco la molienda de granos modificados genéticamente es una solución irrefutable.
Even the milling of genetically modified grain is not a watertight solution.
El maíz americano utilizado para producir biocarburante es significativamente más caro que el grano.
The American maize used to produce biofuel is significantly more expensive than grain.
zit{noun} [coll.]
corn{noun} (in general)
y mediante ella hacemos brotar grano y hierbas,
That We may bring forth thereby corn and vegetable,
Si planto un grano de maíz, estoy pensando solo en el presente, pero si planto un árbol, pongo la vista en el futuro.
If I plant a grain of corn, I am thinking only of today, but if I plant a tree, I am looking to the future.
kernel{noun} (of corn, wheat)
Los alimentos integrales contienen granos intactos, agrietados o descascarados, granos molidos gruesos o harina elaborada con granos integrales (harina integral).
Whole grain foods contain either intact, flaked or broken grain kernels, coarsely ground kernels or flour that is made from whole grains (whole-meal flour).
El poroto Mung es famoso en Oriente como siendo "El Grano de Oro".
Biochemistry: bean to bean sprout
Cacao en grano, entero o partido, crudo o tostado
Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted
Las cuatro grandes empresas juntas compran prácticamente todos los granos de café que se producen en el mundo.
The four big companies together buy almost half the coffee beans produced around the world.
spot{noun} [med.]
La situación ya está repercutiendo en los mercados mundiales de grano y de carne.
Already the situation is affecting the world's grain and meat markets.
Cristo es el grano de trigo que muriendo ha dado frutos de vida inmortal.
Christ is the grain of wheat who by dying has borne fruits of everlasting life.
Lo peor de todo es la pérdida de piensos animales, sobre todo por la pérdida de grano.
Worst of all is the loss of animal fodder, mainly as the result of the grain lost.

Context examples for "granitos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
vive preocupado por los granitos
he's very sensitive about his spots
no te toques los granitos
don't pick your spots