
"fábula" in English

"fábula" in English
fable{noun} [lit.]
Se criticó porque duplicaba el sistema GPS estadounidense, pero eso me recuerda la fábula del ciego y el paralítico.
It was criticised as duplicating the American GPS, but that made me think of the fable of the blind man and the paralytic.
Utilizar el lenguaje de las fábulas no es la manera de avanzar de las promesas a los hechos.
Using the language of fables is not the way to move from promises to action.
Todos conocemos la fábula de La Fontaine y su desenlace: ganaremos la carrera, eso es cierto, pero, ¿cuántas vidas se perderán en el camino?
We all know La Fontaine's fable, and how it ends: we will win the race, certainly, but how many lives will be lost before that happens?

Context examples for "fábula" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, en este asunto debemos constatar que se está dando la fábula del cazador cazado.
Madam President, this is clearly a case of a Commission manoeuvre backfiring.
Hasta el día en que - al igual que en la fábula del burlador burlado - los propios dirigentes socialistas son los que reciben las pedradas.
Until the day when, like the man hoist with his own petard, the socialist leaders find themselves at the receiving end of the stone throwing.