"figurita" in English
"figurita" in English
figure- bod- face card- figurine- name- personality- picture card- piece- shape- form- character- concept- court card- note
figurita(also: figura, estatuilla, figurilla)
una figurita de cristal tallado
a cut glass figurine
madre, figura de la Iglesia, (4) y, participando de la bienaventuranza de
and Mother, figure of the Church; (4) and sharing the blessedness of those
Por esto la figura bíblica de la comunidad de Corinto presenta los
Therefore the biblical figure of the community of Corinth presents the gifts
Era claramente una figura con cuerpo humano y características de animales.
It was clearly a figure with both human and animal characteristics.
figura(also: estatuilla, figurilla, figurita)
Mi nombre no está incluido en la lista de diputados que figura en el Acta.
My name is not included in the list of Members in the Minutes.
Mi nombre no figura en la lista de presentes, quizás por un error personal.
My name does not appear on the attendance register, perhaps through a mistake of my own.
Señora, quisiera sólo mencionar que mi nombre no figura en la lista de asistencia.
Madam, I would just like to mention that my name is not included in the list of those present.
Ese R.D. va más allá de lo que figura en el texto actual, ya que este último sólo constituye un acicate para las empresas, mientras que en mi caso existía una obligación.
That Royal Decree goes beyond what is stated in the present text, since the latter merely encourages them, whereas my piece of legislation was binding.
D. va más allá de lo que figura en el texto actual, ya que este último sólo constituye un acicate para las empresas, mientras que en mi caso existía una obligación.
That Royal Decree goes beyond what is stated in the present text, since the latter merely encourages them, whereas my piece of legislation was binding.
Eso es lo que -en la figura de la Vicepresidenta Kroes- hemos estado haciendo.
That is what we - in the shape of Vice-President Kroes - have been doing.
En el menú Forma en la barra de herramientas, selecciona una figura.
Select a shape from the Shape menu in the toolbar.
Para modificar texto u objetos, haz clic en la figura.
To edit text or an object, click the shape.
Es hora de potenciar la figura del aprendiz, como vía para una formación moderna y dinámica.
It is time to promote apprenticeship as a modern and dynamic form of training.
En nuestro programa figura asimismo el inicio de los debates acerca de la nueva forma de la Comisión Europea.
Also on our agenda is the start of discussions about the new form of the European Commission.
la manera como trata la figura humana
his treatment of the human form
Entre otras, una figura inventada de tebeo, El Capitán Euro , va a hacer que la gente cambie su opinión sobre la UME y el euro.
Among other things, an invented cartoon character - ' Captain Euro' - is going to get people to change their views on EMU and the euro.
Entre otras, una figura inventada de tebeo, El Capitán Euro, va a hacer que la gente cambie su opinión sobre la UME y el euro.
Among other things, an invented cartoon character - ' Captain Euro ' - is going to get people to change their views on EMU and the euro.
En cuanto a la compra y venta de terrenos agrícolas y de bosques, figura entre las excepciones del Anexo 16c, que tienen carácter permanente.
As far as the purchase and sale of agricultural land and forest is concerned, it figures amongst the dispensations of annexe 16c, which are permanent in character.
Quien diga que ésta no figura en el informe, es evidente que no lo ha leído.
Anyone who says that the concept or the word " Kurdish " does not occur has obviously not read the report.
Pero en el informe final aprobado hoy no figura ese concepto tan apropiado y necesario.
In the final report adopted today, however, this appropriate and necessary concept does not appear.
A eso se debe la importancia de la propuesta que presentamos para completar la idea que figura en el informe.
Hence the importance of our amendment designed to supplement the concept set out in the report.
Si, efectivamente, su nombre no figura, tomaremos nota de su declaración en el Acta del día de hoy.
If your name does not appear, obviously we will make a note of your declaration in today's Minutes.
Nota: cuando modificas el tamaño de una figura de WordArt, la función escala el texto.
Note: word art scales text as you resize, while text within shapes wraps without resizing as you change the size of the shape.
Desgraciadamente, vemos que incluso el germen de esta idea no figura en el programa.
Unfortunately, we are forced to note that this programme cannot even start to offer anything that remotely resembles an opponent.
Context examples for "figurita" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
una figurita de cristal tallado
a cut glass figurine
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