
"figurer" in Spanish

"figurer" in Spanish
to figure{transitive verb}
to figure{intransitive verb}
to figure[figured · figured] {transitive verb}
We need greater transparency and clarity so that the figures can be examined more easily.
Necesitamos más transparencia y claridad para que podamos calcular mejor.
We have made a projection based on the lowest figure of 3.3 %, and thus arrived at the ECU 16 m.
Hemos calculado el importe mínimo del 3, 3 % por lo que han resultado 16 millones.
I calculated a moment ago that the Union's total unemployment figure has fallen by 1 % thanks to Spain's enormous efforts.
Acabo de calcular que, gracias a los inmensos esfuerzos de este país, el porcentaje total de desempleo de la Unión ha disminuido en un 1 %.
to figure[figured · figured] {intransitive verb}
The urban dimension should figure in regional development policy.
La dimensión urbana debería figurar en la política de desarrollo regional.
Many leading figures have been invited to plenary, and you are one such leading figure.
Usted figura entre las muchas personalidades destacadas que han sido invitadas al Pleno.
Tourism is also in the list of subjects which do not figure as new areas of competence for the EU.
El turismo también está en la lista de materias que no figuran como nuevas áreas de competencia de la UE.