
"extraoficial" in English

"extraoficial" in English
extraoficial{adjective masculine/feminine}
extraoficial{adjective masculine/feminine}
unofficial{adj.} (meeting, member, report)
Nos oponemos al tráfico de armas, sea oficial, extraoficial o ilegal.
We are against arms dealing, whether it be official, unofficial or illegal.
De lo contrario, en la práctica habremos salido perdiendo en casi todos los aspectos en la negociación extraoficial, sin conseguir nada a cambio.
Otherwise we will essentially only have lost ground during the unofficial negotiations, and not gained anything at all.
Quiero instar a mis honorables colegas a votar a favor de las enmiendas acordadas a través de consultas extraoficiales.
I call on my honourable friends to vote in favour of the agreed amendments brokered through unofficial consultations.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "extraoficial":
Context examples for "extraoficial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me gustaría hacer una última observación de manera extraoficial.
I would like to make one last point which is off the record.
Me pregunto si no podrían en cualquier caso hacer consultas de forma extraoficial, si tuvieran necesidad de ello.
I wonder whether they could not in any case consult quite readily, unofficially, if they ever need to do so.
Otra posibilidad es en la que nos hemos embarcado de manera extraoficial, a saber, la de recurrir a un regulador nacional.
Another possibility is the one we have embarked on informally, namely calling on a national regulator.
Realmente nos causaría un gran disgusto que, a pesar de todo, el Parlamento intentara alcanzar este objetivo por vía extraoficial extendiendo sus competencias.
It would really be a nuisance if Parliament were to attempt to achieve this unofficially by extending its powers.
Es de desear que Alemania, como pudimos escuchar en Doha de forma extraoficial, acuda próximamente a los órganos de la OMC para la tramitar oficialmente su postura.
Hopefully, Germany, as we unofficially heard at Doha, will before very long take the matter up formally in the WTO bodies.
Hasta ahora, todo el gasto se ha financiado con el 20 % de los costes administrativos de la Unión, cuyo uso se acordó de forma extraoficial con la otra autoridad presupuestaria, el Consejo.
So far all the expenditure has been financed out of the 20% of the Union's administrative costs whose use was agreed on unofficially with the other budgetary authority, the Council.