
"espiritual" in English

"espiritual" in English
espiritual{adjective masculine/feminine}
y unigénito Hijo del Padre celestial, tiene, en el plano espiritual, un número
and Only-Begotten Son of the Heavenly Father, has, on the spiritual plane, a
La gente tiene la necesidad espiritual de crear, simplemente, por el bien de la creación.
People have a spiritual need to create, quite simply for the sake of creating.
que eleva y ennoblece las fuerzas del hombre, y confiere la hondura espiritual
human efforts and leads to that spiritual depth where we find knowledge
espiritual{adjective masculine/feminine}
facilidad, a crecer en la vida espiritual e intelectual, prestarse asistencia en
easily to develop their spiritual and intellectual life, to give assistance in
ayuda espiritual para los cristianos de nuestra época y, especialmente, para
models and spiritual aids for the Christians of today, and especially for the
fecundidad de su maternidad espiritual; cuanto más frecuentemente sucede
fruitfulness of its spiritual motherhood: the more often it happens, the
otherworldly{adj.} (mystical)

Context examples for "espiritual" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
espiritual y al compromiso de las religiones en la vida social y en el servicio
involvement of religions in social life and in the service of the human person
espiritual ayudar a los jóvenes a preguntar a la vida, para llegar a
help young people to question their lives so that, in the decisive dialogue with
falta el sacerdote; desde la asistencia espiritual a los enfermos hasta la
and presiding at funerals; training other catechists in special centres or
espiritual y sobrenatural que el padre y la madre están llamados a dar a
supernatural life which the father and mother are called to hand on to their
Europa se encuentra en una crisis constitucional y una impotencia espiritual al mismo tiempo.
Europe is in a constitutional crisis and spiritually powerless at the same time.
espiritual, el juicio de idoneidad sobre los aspirantes para su admisión
aspirants for their admission among the candidates, and on candidates for
su riqueza espiritual y, por ello, educativa y misionera, como valiosa
missionary riches to the heart of the Church as a precious experience and
espiritual, que las haga idóneas para la fidelidad y la comprensión
maturity which makes them capable of understanding the nature of a life
solamente espiritual, en cuanto nacida del Espíritu Santo y
born, that is, in whatever manner it may be, of the Holy Spirit, and of itself
ambientes de comunión entre las generaciones y un clima espiritual
these associations create an environment in which communion can thrive
la elevación espiritual, moral y cultural de los ciudadanos, o el
moral and cultural uplifting of its citizens and for the advancement of
docilidad espiritual al único Espíritu vivificante (cfr. LG 12; 24; etc.).
to the one and only vivifying Spirit (cf. LG 12, 24, etc.).
espiritual y de la fecundidad apostólica de la vida consagrada radica en
fruitfulness of consecrated life has its roots in their prayer.
camino moral y espiritual de perfección, cuyo impulso interior es el amor (cf.
to possess the full freedom of the children of God (cf.
para la vida espiritual, sino incluso para la cultura cristiana y para el mismo
for Christian culture and even for love of country.
voluntad desarrollan al máximo su naturaleza espiritual para permitir que el
In that act, the intellect and the will display their
Sin embargo, Rusia, a diferencia de Turquía, pertenece cultural, espiritual y geográficamente a Europa.
Russia though, unlike Turkey, belongs culturally, spiritually and geographically to Europe.
Con estas palabras la Iglesia invoca al Espíritu Santo como spiritalis unctio, espiritual unción.
With these words, the Church invokes the Holy Spirit as spiritalis unctio, anointing of the soul.
una mutua ayuda espiritual, a fin de que desempeñen el ministerio con
accomplishment of their ministry in unity of purpose.
Ese es el secreto de la juventud espiritual, que
the youthfulness of spirit, which we can continue to cultivate in spite of