
"escarmiento" in English

a este niño va a haber que darle un buen escarmiento
this child will have to be taught a good lesson
espero que esto te sirva de escarmiento
I hope this will be a lesson to you
Hagámoslo ahora y que nos sirva de duro escarmiento para el futuro.
Let us at least do it now, and let us learn from it some hard lessons for the future.
que perdona los pecados, y acepta el arrepentimiento, es severo en dar escarmiento, y posee una generosidad inmensa.
The Forgiver of the faults and the Acceptor of repentance, Severe in punishment, Who has a Long Reach; there is no God but He; to Him is the journeying (the Final Goal).
chastisement{noun} [form.] (physical)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "escarmiento":
Context examples for "escarmiento" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Dé un escarmiento y encárguese de que no volvamos a ver este tipo de atrocidades.
Set an example and ensure that we no longer have to experience such an unacceptable situation.
[no hubo] ninguno que no desmintiera a los enviados –por lo que se hizo inevitable Mi escarmiento.
There was none of them but denied the messengers, therefore, just was My retribution.
Acaso sirva únicamente de escarmiento.
Perhaps it was just intended to shock and warn people to be on their guard.
que esto le sirva de escarmiento al resto de la clase
to let this be an example to the rest of the class
a este niño va a haber que darle un buen escarmiento
this child will have to be taught a good lesson
espero que esto te sirva de escarmiento
I hope this will be a lesson to you
En ella se refieren a Suecia como escarmiento. Posiblemente se podrían hacer estas críticas en una serie de situaciones, pero no justamente en esta materia.
They hold up Sweden as a warning, which might be appropriate in certain instances, but not as regards postal services.
Parece que, según esto, se quiere dar una vez más un escarmiento público, o peor aún, porque están amenazados de muerte.
It looks once more as if the whole purpose of this is to make a public example of them. But it is far more serious than that, because they could be sentenced to death.
esto, por haberse opuesto a Dios y a Su Enviado y quien se opone a Dios y a Su Enviado --¡ciertamente, Dios es severo dando escarmiento!
That is because they acted in opposition to Allah and His Messenger, and whoever acts in opposition to Allah, then surely Allah is severe in retribution.
si caen en tu poder en el curso de la guerra, haz con ellos un escarmiento ejemplar para aquellos que les sigan, para que puedan recapacitar;
Should you come to war with them, then deal with them so as to strike fear into those who come after them (as an example), that per chance (or possibly) they may remember.
En este sentido, en mi calidad de firmante de la moción de censura, yo estoy satisfecha con el resultado, ya que éste ha sido un fuerte escarmiento para la Comisión.
So as a co-signatory I am satisfied with the outcome of the motion of censure, which I think has given the Commission a great deal of food for thought.
El ejemplo del colapso de los bancos de bacalao en Terranova, fuente de tanta historia y de tanta leyenda en mi país, Portugal, debería servirnos de escarmiento.
The example of the collapse of the Newfoundland cod banks, the source of so much history and so much legend in Portugal, my own country, should serve as a warning to us.