
"en vela" in English

"en vela" in English
en vela{adjective}
en vela{adjective}
estuvo en vela hasta que llegué
he was still awake when I arrived
pasar la noche en vela
to have a wakeful night

Context examples for "en vela" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
se le notaban los efectos de la noche en vela
she looked very much the worse for wear after the sleepless night
se veía muy desmejorada tras la noche en vela
she looked very much the worse for wear after the sleepless night
pasó noche tras noche en vela cuidando a la niña enferma
she sat up night after night with the sick girl
aunque no tengo vela en este entierro …
I know this is none of my business, but …
pasamos la noche en vela esperando que volviera
we waited up for him all night
había pasado la noche en vela estudiando
she had been up all night studying
estuvo en vela hasta que llegué
he couldn't get to sleep until I arrived
¿Quién te ha dado vela en este entierro?
what business is it of yours?
estuvo en vela hasta que llegué
he was still awake when I arrived
A veces quisiera que los políticos de Bosnia y Herzegovina pasaran tantas noches en vela como yo cuando piensen sobre su país.
I sometimes wish that the politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina had as many sleepless nights as I do when they think of their country.
pasamos la noche en vela
we were up all night
¿Usted es partidario de que volvamos a un método abierto y democrático -del tipo de la Convención- o cree que es posible resolverlo en otra noche en vela como ahora?
Are you in favour of returning to an open and democratic method – the Convention method – or do you think we can resolve the matter by staying up for another night like tonight?
No obstante, considero personalmente que, en este contexto, la vela es la actividad menos perjudicial para el medioambiente, pero ésa es otra cuestión, una cuestión importante para los finlandeses.
Personally I consider, however, that sailing is the activity in this context that is the least harmful to the environment, but that is another matter.