
"disqualifying" in Spanish

(NL) The Republic of Turkey is disqualifying itself from membership of the European Union.
(NL) La República de Turquía se descalifica a si misma para poder incorporarse a la Unión Europea.
The actions taken to disqualify dozens of citizens from standing in the regional and local elections to be held in Venezuela are unacceptable.
Las acciones adoptadas para descalificar a decenas de ciudadanos para concurrir en las elecciones regionales y locales que se celebrarán en Venezuela son inaceptables.
There is a world of difference between qualified majority and disqualified unanimity.
Hay una enorme diferencia entre una mayoría cualificada y la unanimidad descalificada.
incompatibilizar {v.t.} (persona)
to disqualify sb from doing sth
incompatibilizar a algn para hacer algo
For years, the Council has approved faulty accounts and so disqualified itself from finding the right candidate.
El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado a lo largo de todos estos años cuentas deficientes y con ello se ha incapacitado a sí mismo para hallar al candidato indicado.
to disqualify sb from sth
inhabilitar a algn para algo

Context examples for "disqualifying" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I think we would be disqualifying ourselves as Members if we disregarded those requirements.
Yo creo que pasar por alto dichas exigencias significa descalificarnos como co-legisladores.
The fact that Goldman Sachs appears on Mr Draghi's CV puts him beyond the pale, thereby disqualifying him for this role.
El hecho de que Goldman Sachs aparezca en el curriculum vitae del señor Draghi le sitúa fuera de lo aceptable, descalificándole para este cargo.