
"despoblado" in English

"despoblado" in English
despoblado{adjective masculine}
despoblar{transitive verb}
area of open land{noun} [idiom]
acamparon en un despoblado al sur de la ciudad
they camped on an area of open land to the south of the city
Despoblar la región mediante la expulsión de los habitantes asentados a la vecina Chad es una herramienta importante para mantener la zona controlada.
Depopulating the region by chasing the settled inhabitants to neighbouring Chad is an important tool in keeping the area under control.
¿Quién ha despoblado los pueblos donde se producía vino y se criaba ganado, señora Presidenta, en Grecia, donde se producía tabaco, algodón y aceite de oliva?
Who depopulated villages where they tended vines and reared cattle, Madam President, in Greece, where they produced tobacco, cotton and olive oil?
En realidad, se están despoblando aquellas zonas en las que resulta difícil desarrollar la actividad agrícola y donde la infraestructura deja mucho que desear.
In reality, areas where farming conditions are difficult and where the state of the infrastructure leaves much to be desired are becoming depopulated.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "despoblado":
Context examples for "despoblado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
acamparon en un despoblado al sur de la ciudad
they camped on an area of open land to the south of the city
la región se ha despoblado
the region has become depopulated
Los hombres se van detrás de ellas y el medio rural se nos queda despoblado y nos sobran todas las políticas agrícolas.
Men follow along behind women and we are left with a rural environment where the number of people is dropping and where we have too many agricultural policies.
¿Quién ha despoblado los pueblos donde se producía vino y se criaba ganado, señora Presidenta, en Grecia, donde se producía tabaco, algodón y aceite de oliva?
Who depopulated villages where they tended vines and reared cattle, Madam President, in Greece, where they produced tobacco, cotton and olive oil?