
"desnudas" in English

"desnudas" in English
desnudas{adjective feminine plural}
desnudar{reflexive verb}
desnudas{adjective feminine plural}
Sus afirmaciones son mentiras desnudas, invenciones y fantasías de un nacionalismo húngaro herido.
Their assertions constitute the naked lies, fabrications and figments of injured Hungarian nationalism.
Es evidente que si estas dos jóvenes no querían ser "violadas" por el señor Assange, ¡no deberían haberse colado en su cama desnudas!
It is obvious that if these two young women did not want to be 'raped' by Mr Assange, they should not have slipped into his bed naked!
Entre los treinta fieles sorprendidos por la redada, había unas diez mujeres que fueron obligadas primero a desnudarse y luego a posar desnudas.
Among the thirty worshippers, there were some 10 women who were forced first to undress and then to pose naked.
Probablemente el final, esperemos que definitivo, de la crisis de las vacas locas, una crisis que puso al desnudo la actual incapacidad de la Unión Europea de actuar persiguiendo el interés común.
That crisis has laid bare the current inability of the European Union to pursue the common interest.
Cada vez que hay un caso contra las multinacionales tabaqueras, cada vez que los daños son probados en uno de esos casos, vemos la evidencia médica al desnudo.
Every time there is a case brought against the tobacco multinationals, every time damages are proved once again in one of these cases, we see the medical evidence laid bare.
me hicieron desnudar y me registraron para ver si llevaba drogas
I was strip-searched for drugs
La desnudan a cada momento para hacerle registros.
She is strip-searched on every possible occasion.
El Parlamento Europeo, Señorías, se ha desvestido solo y ahora descubre atónito que va por las calles totalmente desnudo.
Ladies and gentlemen, the European Parliament has stripped off most of its own clothes and is today discovering dumbly that it is walking the streets quite naked.
Tras haberla sentenciado a muerte, el juez dijo que se había desnudado en el juzgado porque se había quitado el velo.
After sentencing her to death, the judge said that she had undressed in the court because she took her veil off.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "desnudar":
Context examples for "desnudas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
las ramas desnudas de los árboles
the skeletal branches of the trees
las paredes estaban desnudas
the walls were bare of ornament
También los voluntarios belgas pasaron las Navidades limpiando las playas con las manos desnudas y rescatando pájaros y peces.
Belgian volunteers, too, sacrificed their Christmas holidays to clean the beaches and rescue birds and fish, often with their bare hands.
una habitación de paredes desnudas
a room with bare walls
Extrañamente la junta militar está atemorizada por esta mujer de aspecto frágil, con las manos desnudas y el rostro desarmado cuyas palabras nunca apelan a la violencia.
Curiously this woman looking fragile, empty-handed and with a gentile face, has scared the military junta.
Mientras personas desesperadas sacaban con las manos desnudas a sus familiares de entre los escombros, el Estado se ocupaba preferentemente de si mismo.
While desperate people were digging their relatives out of the rubble with their bare hands, the state apparatus showed that it was first and foremost concerned with itself.