
"desfalco" in English

"desfalco" in English
La Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude (OLAF), que ha existido desde 1999, ha tenido muchos éxitos en la lucha contra el desfalco.
The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), which has existed since 1999, has had many successes in the fight against embezzlement.
En efecto, es incontable el número de programas gestionados por la Comisión, a propósito de los cuales en los últimos meses se han identificado malversaciones y desfalcos por cuantías importantes.
In fact, we have lost count of the number of programmes run by the Commission that, over recent months, have been involved in embezzlement and the misappropriation of very substantial sums.
¿Por qué no tenemos controles para esos diputados que desfalcan casi catorce mil euros anuales haciendo imposiciones de dinero público en ese fondo de pensiones?
Why do we have no controls over those Members who embezzle nearly EUR 14 000 each year by making private payments into that pension fund from the public purse?
Mirándolo por el lado positivo, ¿quién sabe?, quizás esta directiva ayude con el tiempo a desenterrar algunos de los innumerables millones que han sido desfalcados de la Unión Europea.
Looking on the bright side – who knows? – perhaps this directive may help in time to turn up some of the countless millions that have been embezzled from the European Union.

Context examples for "desfalco" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
su afición por el juego lo llevó a cometer el desfalco
his passion for gambling led him to embezzle the money