
"desdicha" in English

"desdicha" in English
A un lado está un gobierno que usa la violencia contra su propia gente, que causa desdicha y que se ha beneficiado de la connivencia de otras dictaduras y autocracias africanas.
On one side is a government that uses violence against its own people, that causes misery and that has benefited from the connivance of other African dictatorships and autocracies.
unhappiness{noun} (stronger)
wretchedness{noun} (unhappiness)
Los baroques son extraordinariamente perceptivos en su visión del mundo y reflejan con su hermosura y su desdicha aspectos encontrados de los personajes que pueblan las ciudades.
Armed with a deeply perceptive vision of the world, the Baroque family reflects the extreme personalities of city characters – both in their beauty and wretchedness.
Tenemos el deber de aliviar humanamente la desdicha de poblaciones que son rehenes de la acción terrorista de Hezbolá.
We have a duty as human beings to relieve the misfortune of populations taken hostage by Hezbollah’s terrorist action.
Tenemos el deber de aliviar humanamente la desdicha de poblaciones que son rehenes de la acción terrorista de Hezbolá.
We have a duty as human beings to relieve the misfortune of populations taken hostage by Hezbollah’ s terrorist action.
tuvo la desdicha de nacer ciego
he had the misfortune to be born blind

Context examples for "desdicha" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(EL) ¡Cuánta desdicha, cuánto sufrimiento, cuánto dolor, cuánto odio implica el terrorismo!
(EL) What grief, what suffering, what pain, what hate terrorism involves!
Sus sufrimientos son inconcebibles y ninguno de nosotros podrá comprender jamás su desdicha.
Their suffering is inconceivable, and none of us can ever understand the scale of what they have experienced.
Por desdicha, a continuación nada se hizo.
Unfortunately, there has been no follow-up.
Estoy seguro de que por desdicha muchos de los aquí presentes han conocido familias afectadas por esta terrible enfermedad.
I am sure that, unfortunately, many of those present in this Chamber have known families affected by this terrible disease.
tuvo la desdicha de nacer ciego
he had the misfortune to be born blind
¿Qué sentido tendría contar con una naturaleza preservada si su precio es la desdicha de los hombres, en todo caso de la mayoría de ellos, de los que viven de su trabajo?
Of course we are in favour of the recovery of fish stocks, and particularly cod stocks, which are threatened, as highlighted by another report debated at this sitting.