
"desahucio" in English

Este cartel dice« Detened los desahucios de Mandelson» y representa la voz de 5 000 agricultores la semana pasada.
This poster reads ‘ Stop Mandelson’ s evictions ’ and it represents the voice of 5000 farmers last week.
También nos preocupan los desahucios y las persecuciones, especialmente las asociadas a las obras de construcción de la ciudad olímpica.
We are also concerned about evictions and persecutions, including those connected with Olympic constructions.
Para ello, debe cesar la práctica bárbara de los desahucios, ha de prohibirse cuando la deuda de alquiler tenga causas sociales.
Therefore, the barbaric practice of evictions must cease, and must be banned when rent delays are have social reasons.
Novikov su local y se ha notificado el desahucio a quienes actualmente ocupan la oficina.
The Belarussian authorities have now issued a ruling that Mr Novikov's premises should be returned to him and a notice to quit has been served on those currently occupying the office.
Cientos de personas fueron desahuciadas de sus casas y existen informes fiables de que sus fuerzas de seguridad torturaban, violaban e incluso mataban a residentes locales.
Hundreds of people were dispossessed of their homes and there are reliable reports of his security forces torturing, raping, and even killing, local residents.
Presionados por la subida vertiginosa de los alquileres, se endeudan y suelen ser desahuciados de sus viviendas.
Under pressure from rocketing rents, they fall into debt and are often evicted.
El alcalde de Mlynky ha desahuciado a cinco asociaciones eslovacas de las dos dependencias en las que desarrollaban sus actividades.
The mayor of Mlynky has evicted five Slovak associations from the two rooms in which they carried out their activities.
familias desahuciadas o de las que no logran encontrar una vivienda, del ingente
I also think of families evicted from their homes, those

Context examples for "desahucio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Novikov su local y se ha notificado el desahucio a quienes actualmente ocupan la oficina.
The Belarussian authorities have now issued a ruling that Mr Novikov's premises should be returned to him and a notice to quit has been served on those currently occupying the office.