
"del pueblo" in English

"del pueblo" in English
del pueblo{adjective}
demotic{adj.} [form.] (popular)
popular{adj.} (of populace)
Rindamos homenaje al valor del pueblo haitiano y al movimiento de solidaridad popular internacional con las víctimas.
Let us pay tribute to the courage of the Haitian people and the worldwide surge of popular solidarity towards the victims.
una rebelión del pueblo
a popular uprising
Las reacciones del pueblo ante los planes del capital multinacional se van a intensificar y no van a permitir el éxito de tales planes.
Popular opposition to the plans of the multinationals will become ever more intense and they will not allow their plans to succeed.

Similar translations for "del pueblo" in English
Context examples for "del pueblo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La voluntad del pueblo expresada a través de un referéndum es directa e inequívoca.
The will of the people expressed through a referendum is direct and unequivocal.
La institución del Defensor del Pueblo es, por supuesto, muy importante para la UE.
The institution of the Ombudsman is, of course, incredibly important for the EU.
Ha dicho " no " a que se retire el control democrático de las manos del pueblo.
They have said " no " to removing democratic control from the hands of the people.
Apoyamos el deseo del pueblo egipcio de hacer valer sus derechos civiles básicos.
We support the desire of the Egyptian people to exercise their basic civil rights.
Ha dicho "no" a que se retire el control democrático de las manos del pueblo.
They have said "no" to removing democratic control from the hands of the people.
Este es un punto de vista que creo comparte la amplia mayoría del pueblo irlandés.
This is a view which I believe is shared by the vast majority of the Irish people.
2000 el Santo Padre invita a todos los miembros del Pueblo de Dios a un sincero
invites all the members of the People of God to make a sincere examination of
Ya nos hemos propasado con el Tratado y se va a escuchar la voz del pueblo.
We have already gone a treaty too far and the voice of the people will be heard.
Deseamos llamar la atención sobre la situación económica del pueblo de Birmania.
We wish to draw attention to the financial situation of the Burmese people.
En la democracia, la soberanía es del pueblo, y no de grupo de interés alguno.
It is the people who are sovereign in a democracy, not a particular interest group.
No pongamos límites a la capacidad del pueblo nepalí para elegir por sí mismo.
Let us not impose limits on the people of Nepal’s ability to choose for themselves.
Esta consideración se ha transmitido al Defensor del Pueblo europeo en dos ocasiones.
This consideration was twice brought to the attention of the European Ombudsman.
sencilla, pero no menos profunda, del pueblo ha sido especialmente tenida en
profound, religious character of these people has received special attention in
por Juan de Montecorvino, el primer evangelizador del pueblo chino y el primer
first evangelizer among the Chinese people and first Archbishop of Khambaliq,
Doy la bienvenida al nuevo Defensor del Pueblo, quien recibe esa valiosa herencia.
I would like to welcome the new Ombudsman, who is taking on this valuable heritage.
No somos meramente representantes del pueblo, sino representantes de los pueblos.
We are not simply representatives of the people, but representatives of the peoples.
Hoy hemos tomado una decisión en la elección del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo.
We have, today, reached a decision on the election of the European Ombudsman.
Son partidos de partidos, y con ellos, el poder se aleja aún más del pueblo.
They are parties of parties and with them power gets further away from the people.
La justicia penal es responsabilidad del pueblo y no de la Unión Europea.
Criminal justice is the responsibility of the people, not of the European Union.
La política de la UE debería esforzarse por mejorar la situación del país y su pueblo.
EU policy should strive to improve the situation of the country and its people.