
"dejadez" in English

scruffiness{noun} [coll.] (of person, appearance)
La dejadez legislativa de los sucesivos grupos de legisladores en Polonia es, en este caso, bien conocida.
The legislative slovenliness of successive groups of legislators in Poland is, in this case, well known.
slackness{noun} (laxness)
sloppiness{noun} (carelessness)

Context examples for "dejadez" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esta dejadez es criminal y los muertos de Abiyán son sus víctimas.
This laissez-faire attitude is criminal, and the dead of Abidjan are its victims.
Esto afecta en especial a los países nuevos, cuya infraestructura viaria acusa una grave dejadez.
This is especially true for the new countries, whose road infrastructure has been seriously neglected.
Este beneficio económico demuestra una vez más la dejadez con que se trata la vida humana en el tráfico.
The use of such economic arguments shows once again what little value human lives are accorded on the road.
Ya existe bastante dejadez a la hora de hacer frente a los graves problemas y deberán tomarse medidas.
There is enough slippage there for people to cope with the very serious problems and they will have to take action.
Permitirá imponer sanciones por dejadez.
It will enable the imposition of sanctions for sloppy work.
Los «jóvenes patriotas» son armados, financiados y utilizados por un Gobierno legal que comete dejadez de sus funciones.
These ‘young patriots’ are armed, funded and used by a government which, although lawful, is failing to perform its functions.
engordó por pura dejadez
he let himself go and put on weight
No se trata tanto de una falta de nuevas iniciativas, sino que hay una dejadez a la hora de poner en marcha los objetivos políticos establecidos.
There is not so much a need for new initiatives as there is for the implementation of politically-inspired objectives.
Por entonces, 18 años de dejadez «tory» habían debilitado los propios fundamentos de la confianza pública sobre los que se sustenta la democracia británica.
By then, 18 years of Tory sleaze had weakened the very fabric of public trust underpinning British democracy.
Por entonces, 18 años de dejadez« tory» habían debilitado los propios fundamentos de la confianza pública sobre los que se sustenta la democracia británica.
By then, 18 years of Tory sleaze had weakened the very fabric of public trust underpinning British democracy.
Si alguien, por dejadez, no trata cuidadosamente estos alimentos a pesar de todas las indicaciones, el poder del legislador no llega tan lejos.
Legislation is, of course, powerless to prevent people from handling these foods carelessly, in spite of all the instructions.
Observo que ha habido un descarado subdesarrollo, que hasta el momento se ha debido en gran parte a la dejadez y al descuido de Jartún.
I can see that there has been blatant underdevelopment, which, up until now, has largely been due to the neglect and oversight of Khartoum.
Así demuestran su incapacidad para resolver el problema de la inmigración-invasión, del que son, de forma deliberada o por dejadez, repugnantes colaboradores.
All you are doing is highlighting your inability to solve the problem of immigration - of an invasion in which you, either deliberately or through cowardice, have colluded.