
"decorating" in Spanish

to decorate sb for sth
condecorar a algn por algo
He served in the British Army during the last war and was decorated for his services.
Sirvió en el Ejército británico durante la última guerra y fue condecorado por sus servicios.
alhajar[alhajando · alhajado] {v.t.} [S. Cone] (casa)
Large murals (1940) decorate the walls of the Salle des Pas Perdus.
Grandes murales (1940) decoran las paredes de la Sala de los Pasos Perdidos.
In three simple maneuvers - cut, paste and decorate, collected plastic bags will be transformed into a giant balloon.
Con tres simples maniobras – copiar, pegar y decorar- las bolsas de plástico recogidas pueden ser transformadas en un gigantesco globo.
The resolution has been decorated with the proverbial Christmas baubles.
La resolución se ha decorado con los proverbiales adornos navideños.
Each Commissioner has done his or her best to decorate their own Christmas tree by hanging a few bits of tinsel of their own upon it.
Cada Comisario se ha esforzado por adornar su propio árbol de Navidad añadiéndole algunas guirnaldas personales.
Michele Di Fronzo, OFM, had especially prepared and decorated the church to show its beauty with the new lighting.
Michele Di Fronzo ofm, había especialmente preparado y adornado la Iglesia para que mostrara toda su belleza con la nueva iluminación.

Context examples for "decorating" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
some of his savings went on decorating the house
destinó parte de sus ahorros a la decoración de la casa
the cake is ready, it just needs decorating
el pastel está listo, solo falta decorarlo