
"cristalizarse" in English

cristalizarse{reflexive verb}
cristalizarse en algo
to crystallize into sth
Como ya es habitual en usted, ha cristalizado toda el concepto y lo ha presentado perfectamente.
As usual he has crystallized this whole idea and put it very well.
Y siguen estando cristalizadas, sobre todo después de lo anunciado por el señor Comisario, a quien como siempre se le ha ido la mano en recortar nuestras enmiendas.
And crystallized they remain, especially after the Commissioner's announcement. As usual he has been pretty heavy-handed in cutting our amendments.
Cuando la Sra. Thatcher afirmó que la sociedad no existe, sino sólo individuos, cristalizó esta filosofía.
When Mrs Thatcher claimed that there is no such thing as society, just individuals, she crystallized this philosophy.
to gel[gelled · gelled] {vb} [Brit.]
En demasiadas ocasiones dichas culturas sencillamente no se cristalizan en un todo coherente.
Too often they simply do not gel into a coherent whole.

Context examples for "cristalizarse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
cristalizarse en algo
to crystallize into sth
La Comisión, aunque con honrosas excepciones individuales, ha tenido indudable responsabilidad en dejar cristalizarse una situación que va camino de volverse explosiva y quizá incontrolable.
With a few individual exceptions of honour this Commission is undoubtedly responsible because it has failed to focus on a situation which could easily become explosive and even uncontrollable.